Plain vs. xsd:string literals in RDFa

Richard, on today's RDF Web Apps WG call we discussed the implications of the RDF WG's decision to collapse Plain Literals with xsd:string typed literals, and the implications for RDFa. Concerns were raised about backwards compatibility issues and the effect on the RDF(a) API when providing triples through a call-back, which is nominally a representation of the abstract syntax. This is expressed in ISSUE-101 [1]

These are the specific issues we're considering:

 1.  Should RDFa Processors generate "foo"^^xsd:string from now on, or just the plain literal?
 2.  Should the RDFa API callback produce a "foo" property with an "xsd:string" datatype, or just a "foo" plain literal property? Note that this is not a serialization, so the rules about not using xsd:string markup might not apply
 3.  If we must produce an "xsd:string", how should we handle the case where something like Raptor is using a library that uses the new "foo"^^xsd:string form, with a library that thinks there is a difference between xsd:string and a plain literal? Case in point, Raptor uses librdfa and could output to RDF/XML. Something that used to be output as a plain literal will now be output as an xsd:string, which will inevitably break code. Is this fine?

>From my understanding, we could choose either to represent both plain literals and xsd:string typed literals using either an un-datatyped literal, or a typed literal [2].

One of the concerns is the behavior of existing libraries, which currently do differentiate between these different forms. Also, for other languages (e.g. RDF/XML) which are not likely to be updated with this requirement. This could lead to inconsistent behavior between languages and implementations.

Changing RDFa to generate xsd:string typed literals would be a backwards-incompatible change, and backends or APIs which were previously expecting a literal without a datatype would know be faced with those literals having a datatype.

The group would like some guidance on this issue, and wondered if you or the RDF WG might address some of these issues and provide some guidance.



Received on Monday, 22 August 2011 22:19:20 UTC