Re: Re 2: More specific proposal on the vocabulary expansion (a.k.a. vocab proxy) feature


2011/8/5 Gregg Kellogg <>:
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 1:52 AM, "Ivan Herman" <> wrote:

>> The question is what happens if the user does _not_ want that? Well, if there _is_ a datatype attribute set, than that takes priority. Ie,
>> <span property="bla" datatype="xsd:string">1234</span>
>> will generate
>> <> <bla> "1234"^^xsd:string .
>> (Note that with the latest resolutions of the W3C RDF WG, this could also be serialized with:
>> <> <bla> "1234" .
>> I believe that by introducing this we would cover most of the datatype use cases without mixing in the post processing.
>> Thoughts?
> Given that we seem to be open to incompatible changes to the spec, I think this is the way to go. Basically, if the value is in the lexical space of an xsd datatype, it would create a typed literal that datatype, or could be made a Plain Literal through datatype="xsd:string" we may need to enumerate these datatypes and provide a match order, so that 123 is not interpreted as xsd:double.

I wonder it's not wise to assume that people give correct datatypes e.g. not

<p typeof="Book" vocab="">
  George Orwell wrote
  <cite property="title" datatype="xsd:string">1984</cite> in
  <span property="published" datatype="xsd:gYear">1949</span>.

but very likely

<p typeof="Book" vocab="">
  George Orwell wrote
  <cite property="title">1984</cite> in
  <span property="published">1949</span>.

Automatic datatype assignment just based on lexical space would cause
a lot of false positives.


@prefix : <> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email ""].

Received on Friday, 5 August 2011 15:38:18 UTC