www-tag@w3.org from September 2012 by subject

"Publishing and Linking on the Web Draft Published" in W3C news

[apps-discuss] Pending changes to draft-ietf-appsawg-media-type-suffix-regs (was "Best Practices for Fragment Identifiers and Media Type Definitions")

ACTION-650: Review what provenance WG is doing with an eye to application to privacy issues

ACTION-692: Discussing Issues list at F2F

ACTION-695: Check with Thomas Roessler on whether security review of CORS is coming up in W3C/IETF liaison

ACTION-726 Make a list of questions to which webarch and the findings suggest answers

Agenda for TAG teleconference

Agenda for the TAG teleconference of 13 Sept. 2012

agenda planning notes

Berkman Center project on Internet robustness: "promise of the URL", "mirror as you link", and mutual aid

book: Internet Architecture and Innovation

draft minutes of 20 September 2012 TAG telcon available

Draft TAG minutes from telcon 0f 2012-sep-13

Draft TAG minutes from telcon of 2012-08-02

Draft TAG minutes from telcon of 2012-08-30

First nearly complete version of TAG F2F agenda

Fwd: Call for Review of Content Security Policy 1.0

Fwd: talking about WebIDL

FYI: Suffixed media type registrations about to go forward

HTML5 Plan for Going to Recommendation

issue-57 background reading for F2F (short required reading)

License Feedback

mailto: URI/IRI scheme and registerProtocolHandler

mailto: URI/IRI scheme and registerProtocolHandler (was: Re: URL work in HTML 5)

Minutes from Sept 27, 2012 Telcon

New Editor's Draft of 'Best Practices for Fragids and Media Types'

new version of 'objectives matrix'

objectives matrix link for f2f agenda; required reading

Offline Applications

orcid.org and persistent identifiers

Pending changes to draft-ietf-appsawg-media-type-suffix-regs (was "Best Practices for Fragment Identifiers and Media Type Definitions")

Precision and error handling (was URL work in HTML 5)

publish "http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/publishingAndLinkingOnTheWeb.html" as FPWD

publishing and linking references

Regarding terminology of fragid-best-practices

Rough start on TAG F2F agenda

Separate features or not? API for Media Resources 1.0

TAG Product Page for Fragment IDs Work

TAG Product Page for URI Documentation Discovery Work

TAG Teleconference on Thursday

talking about WebIDL

Updating product page for TAG Publishing and Linking work

URL work in HTML 5

Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2012 22:42:42 UTC