www-svg@w3.org from March 2000 by subject

<a> and <g>

any equivalent of "generator" for svg?

bezier curves and transforms

Comma delimited lists in SVG

comments on Exchange SVG form

Defs and forward references

DOM Interface for SVGPathElement

Email Advertising Special -- Ends Tuesday!

Final Form and performance

get method object return types

How can I view an SVG file?

Jasc Software announces native SVG editor

May I help you ?

New SVG spec

Question about Stylable SVG

Re(2): Rendering order

Rendering order

Retrieving mouse event co-ordinates in transformed co-ordina te space.

ship it...

SVG attribute names

SVG complexity, plus predictions

SVG discussion on xml-dev

SVG Flash

SVG fragmentatation

svg is too complex

SVG MIME types

svg overlay on flashpix

SVG: titles and descriptions in one and only one language

SVGElement inheritance in SVGDOM

SVGInteger factory method

SVGList Interfaces


Text alignment, rotation, etc

Victor - Indonesia

visible attribute

What is wrong with SVG?

What's wrong with SVG

When will SVG spec become final?

Last message date: Friday, 31 March 2000 19:10:47 UTC