SVG: titles and descriptions in one and only one language

These issues still occur in the final call draft.  Basically, the DTD allows only one title and description but allows it to be qualified by an xml:lang attribute.  It would simplify the DTD and
increase usability if multiple titles and descriptions were allowed and the user agent was allowed to select the description or title with the closest language to that of the user.  An acceptible
behavior would be to just select the first title or description.

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Arnold, Curt  
> Sent:	Thursday, February 17, 2000 12:54 PM
> To:	''
> Subject:	FW: restrictions on title, desc and defs
> In the last draft these entities were defined to allow desc, title and defs to occur in any order, but to appear in any order:
> <!-- This entity allows for at most one of desc and title,
>      supplied in any order -->
> <!ENTITY % descTitle
>           "((desc,title?)|(title,desc?)?)" >
> <!-- This entity allows for at most one of desc, title and defs,
>      supplied in any order -->
> <!ENTITY % descTitleDefs
>           "(((desc,((title,defs?)|(defs,title?))?)|
>               (title,((desc,defs?)|(defs,desc?))?)|
>               (defs,((desc,title?)|(title,desc?))?))?)" >
> I was not a big fan of this since the resulting content model diagram is going to be really ugly (especially for the latter).  Then after some thinking, it occurred that it was actually a good thing
> to allow multiple titles and desc and the gymnastics to restrict title and desc to one was unnecessary.
> Since title and desc both support an xml:lang attribute, multiple titles or desc could allow the user agent to pick the one best suited for the user's locale.
> <g>
> 	<title>Company sales by region</title>
> 	<title xml:lang="it">Same thing in italian</title>
> </g>
> I'm not clear on the justification for allowing defs to appear intermixed with titles and desc, it would seem that they are different types of information and it would not be an enormous burden to
> require it to appear after the desc and titles. 
> So, I'd suggest something like:
> <!ENTITY % descTitle
>           "(title|desc)*" >
> <!-- This entity allows for at most one of desc, title and defs,
>      supplied in any order -->
> <!ENTITY % descTitleDefs
>           "(title|desc)*,defs?" >

Received on Monday, 6 March 2000 11:21:51 UTC