www-rdf-logic@w3.org from April 2003 by subject

"explanations" in cwm, vocabulary for proof exchange

1st CFP: Socio-Cognitive Grids

2003 Int'l Conf. in CS & CE - Las Vegas, June 23-26, 2003

Alpha Release of DAML+OIL plugin for Protege

ANN: OWL Tutorial

Brazil needs your help

Bridging the Terminology Gap using OWL ... an exciting example

Bridging the Terminology Gap using OWL ... an exciting example (updated)

c# DAML Parsing

Call for Papers: Workshop Multimedia Discovery and Mining


CfP Int. WS on Autonomic Computing Principles and Architectures, Banff, Canada, Aug. 21- 24

CfP: Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools (EON2003)

CFP: Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases (colocated with VLDB 2003)

Could owl:sameAs reference non-OWL resources?

DAML Parser

DAML Query Language (April 2003) released

Espressions of Interest for Proposed AAAI Spring Symposium Series on Semantic Web Services

help needed: logical equivalence of horn clauses?


How burdensome are the OWL restrictions on metadata?

How to best use XML Schema in DAML+OIL

intersectionOf and subClassOf

Is the week query a inference?

ISWC 2003 Industrial Track - DEADLINE EXTENSION

ISWC2003 CFP deadline extended

logical equivalence of horn clauses?

math, ordered relations etc in DAML+OIL

Modeling Conventions

OWL and RDFS (from public-webont-comments@w3.org)

OWL Lite's restrictions on the use of the OWL vocabulary

OWL or RDFS Graph?

Owl question


Qu: cwm think on OWL rules

REMINDER! CfP IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Informatics - INDIN03, Banff (Rocky Mountains), Canada, Aug 21-24, 2003

Reviews Sought - OWL Last Call Working Drafts

search feature

Special Issue of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC)

Student seeking help...

Suggestion for change to DAML+OIL walkthru

Syntactic Mapping vs Class level

The case for keys (and against InverseFunctionalProperty)

TR: SHOE, DAML : Conflicting definitions of "Thing" ?

Was RDF started in 1989? Then why was it lost?

What should I use: RDF, DAML+OIW, OWL, XTP, Future Ontology Spec...

XML Schema version and DAML+OIL/OWL

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2003 16:13:50 UTC