Re: Bridging the Terminology Gap using OWL ... an exciting example (updated)

[Jim Farrugia]
> A few comments on your new example.
> If it could, then when the Bot finds stores with "Large-Format" instead
> of "SLR", it would know that although "Large-Format" is a kind of camera,
> the request 75-300 zoom lenses is out of range. So, then the Bot could
> truncate its search more quickly. ??

In fact, no one really wants just a 75-300 mm zoom lens - the focal length
is always relative to the actual film size, and these kind of numbers
usually are understood as giving a certain effect for 35 mm film. If you use
a 300mm focal  length lens with a different film/sensor size, you get the
same results as if you used a different focal length lens with a 35 mm
camera.  It is that particular effect that is usually desired, rather than
the focal length per se.

You know, there is so much domain-specific information required for this
that it might make a good class exercise or test case, but it may be hard to
produce a "compelling example" because all the details that have to be
captured tend to obscure the point.


Tom P

Received on Sunday, 6 April 2003 14:47:43 UTC