math, ordered relations etc in DAML+OIL


Is there any way of expressing relations like "less than" on numbers
(like xsd:integer) in DAML+OIL, and have an inference engine (like JTP)
deduce that e.g. 3 is less than 5.

What I want to do is this. I have printer devices, described by
configurations, such as this:

      <printer:printTechnology rdf:value="LaserJet"/>
      <printer:paperSize rdf:value="A4"/>
      <printer:paperSize rdf:value="Letter"/>
      <printer:resolution rdf:value="300"/>
      <printer:resolution rdf:value="600"/>
      <printer:resolution rdf:value="1200"/>
      <printer:colorCapability rdf:value="false"/>
      <printer:OHCapabilityData rdf:value="true"/>
      <printer:printSpeedType rdf:value="6.0"/>

These are loaded into a JTP knowledge base, and I want to query the KB
for e.g. "all printer configurations with print speed greater than 5".

If the abovementioned reasoning is possible, then perhaps it would be
easiest to express the queries in som DAML+OIL form, and have JTP figure
out the full answers.

The other (ad-hoc) solution would be to get the values from the KB using
JTP, and compare the numbers in Java code.

I'd be happy for any thoughts on this.


Received on Monday, 14 April 2003 09:19:30 UTC