Qu: cwm think on OWL rules


I'm trying to use cwm to do some simple reasoning, and am confused as to why
including OWL rules from [1] using --think=uri seems to affect the output.

In the example, I'm trying to generate additional statements about relationships
between foaf:Persons.

Input file "example.n3" (namespace mappings omitted here):

    :A  a  foaf:Person;
        foaf:knows :B .

    :B  a  foaf:Person .

    :C  a  foaf:Person;
        foaf:knows :B .

    :mayKnow  a  rdf:Property;
        rdfs:range foaf:Person;
        rdfs:domain foaf:Person.

    this log:forAll :x, :y, :z .

    { :x  foaf:knows  :y }  log:implies { :y  foaf:knows  :x } .

    { :x foaf:knows :y .  :y foaf:knows :z . } log:implies  { :x :mayKnow :z . }

Received on Monday, 28 April 2003 11:45:43 UTC