Re: Bridging the Terminology Gap using OWL ... an exciting example

[Roger L. Costello]
> I am trying to create some simple examples which demonstrate the power
> of OWL. (I would like examples that are as compelling as Ian Davis'
> version of The Robber and the Speeder.)
> Below is my start at an example.  It needs some work to make it
> "compelling".  Can you help me flesh out this example to make it more
> compelling?

Roger, I think there is something important missing from this effort.  So
far, your examples mix up two separate concepts -

1) The value or use of discovering information by means of logical
inferencing.  The example of the robber and the speeder would work with a
wide range of ontology languages and reasoning systems.  It has little to do
with OWL per se.

2) The potential value of OWL as a specific language.  This should cover why
OWL would be preferred over some other language.

I think both could be covered in a single presentation, but I do not really
see it in what you have shown us so far.


Tom P

Received on Sunday, 6 April 2003 17:37:16 UTC