w3c-wai-eo@w3.org from July to September 2008 by subject

[Fwd: Before and After Demo (BAD)]

ACTION-665: Talk to Jeffs about what support they can provide on examples (m

ACTION-665: Talk to Jeffs about what support they can provide on examples (mobile-accessibility document)

Adaptice UI

Agenda for 25 June 2008 EOWG Teleconference

All Titles Together (Experience Shared...)

apologies for tomorrow

belated apologies

Comments on "Comparative requirements analysis for older Web users"

Comments on "Comparison of Guidelines for Older Web Users"

Comments on comparison document

Comments on EOWG: Mobile-Accessibility Overlap document publication

Cross-Posting - European accessibility requirements for public procurement report final

EOWG Please reply about titles ideas for the "Experiences... Mobile Devices" document

EOWG Teleconference

EOWG: Another pass at an image of the WCAG 2.0 documents

EOWG: Final version of Mobile-Accessibility "Shared Web Experiences" doc

EOWG: For Face-to-face/TPAC 2008 - One month to reserve your room at negotiated rates]

EOWG: No teleconference 29 August 2008

EOWG: Related documents with Mobile-Accessibility Overlap document publication

EOWG: Reminders for 11 July 2008 teleconference

EOWG: Scribe needed for 15 August 2008 teleconference

EOWG: Update on 22 August and 23-24 October meetings

EOWG: Updated agenda for 12 September 2008 teleconference

EOWG: Updated agenda for 5 September 2008 teleconference

Experiences document

For EOWG Review: Experiences... Mobile Devices

for example

For review: HTML version of "Benefits of WCAG 2.0" presentation

For review: Relationship MWBP-WCAG Overview page suggestions

Have joined EOWG

IBM Testing Voice-Based Web

Introduction to new EOWG participant

Late rerets for for 15 August 2008 teleconference

Mobile Accessibility document, draft of Overview page with "Together" section

MWBP WCAG document: Progress and proposal to move content of "WCAG 2.0 and MWBP

MWBP WCAG document: Progress and proposal to move content of "WCAG 2.0 and MWBP Together" page

New version of mobile accessibility document

No teleconference 4 July. 11 July tentative.

One note about Mobile-Accessible Experiences doc

Please review today - EOWG: Mobile-Accessibility Overlap document publication

Prep for 19 September 2008 teleconference

Prepare for 18 July teleconference - For EOWG Review: Experiences... Mobile Devices

Quicktips content

Registration or regrets for face-to-face 23-24 October 2008, France

Regrets - 19 September 2008 teleconference

Regrets and a job change

Regrets for this Friday

Regrets not attending EO Friday August 15th

Regrets: 8 August 2008

Regrets: EOWG: Updated agenda for 12 September 2008 teleconference

Review Comment: WCAG 2.0 at a Glance (1 of 2)

Review Comment: WCAG 2.0 at a Glance (2 of 2)

Shared Web Experiences - review comments


SV: EOWG: Another pass at an image of the WCAG 2.0 documents

Updated agenda for 8 August 2008 teleconference

Updated: WCAG 2.0 at a Glance

VS: EOWG: Another pass at an image of the WCAG 2.0 documents

W3C TPAC2008 hotel deadline in 4 days

WCAG 2.0 at a Glance - edit suggestion

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 September 2008 21:01:08 UTC