w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org from September 1996 by subject

(off-topic?)Re: XML character sets: a proposal

A constraint on markup for EMPTY elements

Addition to the WG

Additions to the WG

Address changes for SGML WG

An item of interest to this group, I'd think

Are Heresies Allowed? (Was: RS/RE)

Back to basics

BANG! or how I gave up SGML and learned to love the browser

Capitalizing on HTML

Capitalizing on HTML (was Re: equivalent power in SGML and XML)

character sets

character sets - a summary and a proposal

Characters (Re: questions about entities and entity declarations)

client/server XML (was Re: Marked Sections)

Combine RE/RS proposals?

Common Constructs in XML (Clause 9)

Compatibility issues and principle #3

Compliance with 8879, a moving target

Concrete syntax, character sets

Courting Joe Homepage

Current Status of Discussion on RE/RS Handling

Data format/encoding/character set (PI v MIME head)

Design principles draft (DD-1996-0001)

Discussion of entities

DSSSL application available

DTDs in XML (Clause 11)

Element content the real issue?...

Element Structure for XML (Clause 7)

Eliot's issues: & and determinism

Empty elements (and processing without a DTD)

Empty endtags (Was: short-tag considered unhealthy)

Entity structure for XML (Clause 6)

equivalent power in SGML and XML


How XML is defined

How you respond to notes

Limited modified eclectism (was Re: Reads like ASCII)

Linux DSSSL application available

Mainstream SGML - Mary Laplante

Make DTDs optional?

marked sections

Markup Declarations in XML (Clause 10)

Mixed content

more on equivalences and round-trip integrity

More on RE/RS

Newlines in element content (i.e TABLES)

Opinions on some of Michael's undiscussed topics


PIs and RE handling

Principles for SGML Compatibility

quantity sets and capacity sets

questions about attribute declarations

questions about element declarations

questions about entities and entity declarations

Questions about external entities and entity declarations

Questions about the Questions

RE rules - summary of corrections

RE/RS Options: One bottom line

RE/RS Options: Trying to Focus

Reads like ASCII (was Re: character sets ...)


Regular expressions and content models (was: Re: questions about element declarations)

Reparenting (was Re: A constraint on markup for EMPTY elements)

revised restatement of the RE rules

Role of a DTD in XML


RS/RE considered confusing?

RS/RE quoted data proposal

RS/RE: basic questions

SGML Declaration in XML (Clause 13)

SGML Entities or Web-style objects in XML?

SGML or SGML-like

SGML or SGML-like : Was Re: SHORTTAG

short-tag considered unhealthy


some statistics on the impact of various proposals

some topics we haven't yet discussed

Straw proposals -- get 'em while they're hot!

Stupid NET Tricks

Summary of crypto-DTD discussion

Syntax of XML markup declarations

The Hypermail archive

The RE rules in 14 lines

To EE or not to EE

Unsolicited fan mail

Upcoming SGML Workshops

viewing the voting so far

W3C SGML WG: The work begins

what *are* the RE rules?

Will XML go beyond SGML Users?

XML and required DTDs

XML character sets: a proposal

XML character sets: the hard-minimalist manifesto

XML draft editors elected

XML Editors

XML Entity Manager

XML vrs SGML tools

XML vrs SGML tools [was Re: Capitalizing on HTML (was ...)]

XML vrs SGML tools [was Re: Capitalizing on HTML (was ...)]]]

Last message date: Monday, 30 September 1996 23:53:39 UTC