marked sections

I'm trying to get a grasp of the group's sentiment on marked sections,
and am not sure what all the options and positions are.  This morning,
Charles Goldfarb suggested that there are really two cases:

  a) conditional marked sections are needed in DTDs, for version
control and tweaking
  b) (R)CDATA marked sections are needed in instances, for non-SGML
notations (and, for that matter, for SGML notation -- CDATA
marked sections are the simplest way I know to do SGML examples
in documentation of a DTD

But there appears to be another position:

  c) some argue that marked sections just complicate life too much
for the parser, and can *always* be done away with, possibly by
improving the tools we use

Have I left out any major positions?

It seems to me we are close to consensus on some things, but not all.

   - We seem to agree that instances don't need conditional sections.
   - There is some sentiment, not unanimous, that instances don't
     *have* to have CDATA or RCDATA marked sections, either; there
     are other ways to get the job done.
   - Some of us think DTDs don't need marked sections at all.
   - Some of us think DTDs need marked sections at all.
   - Some of us think XML must provide support for versioning in DTDs,
     through marked sections or by some other means.

More detailed discussion follows.

A.  Conditional Sections and DTD Customization

I think everyone agrees that conditional sections don't do much for
us in instances -- if you have multiple versions, quite often you want
to switch back and forth, as Eve Maler and others have described,
which needs version-control elements or effectivity attributes,
not marked sections.

In DTDs, however, conditional inclusion is a major building block
allowing for customization and version control.  In HTML 2.0, it's
used to allow a choice between lax and strict content models; in
the TEI, it's used to allow the users to choose, at parse time, which
of the many possible views of the TEI main DTD should be applied.
I'm sure any reader of this list can supply further examples.

By means of marked sections and parameter entities, it's possible
to provide multiple views (multiple effective DTDs) from a single
set of DTD source files, using technology that every SGML user is
guaranteed to have available (i.e. an SGML parser).  Without marked
sections controlled by parameter entities, it would be necessary to
write a DTD pre-processor as a stand-alone process, which accepts
a view specification and provides a parseable form of the effective
DTD.  That might allow more subtle control of the process, but it
would also

   - require users of complex DTDs to install special-purpose DTD
   - require DTD subsets / views to be pre-generated before
parse time
   - complicate maintenance and update immensely

It seems to me that XML needs to offer some support for this kind of
parse-time selection, because restricting XML to the world of monolithic
DTDs just shuts too many people out.  Conditional sections do complicate
the lexical scanner a bit, but it *is* doable.  (I.e. I managed to
figure it out, our mythical CS grad ought to be able to figure it
out much more easily.)

B.  (R)CDATA Marked Sections

It seems essential that we have ways of representing delimiter
strings in XML without having them parsed as delimiters.  Off the top
of my head, I can think of several ways to do this in SGML, for a
paragraph like this one:

  The <q> tag marks a quotation:

      <q lang='fra'>L'&eacute;tat, c'est moi!</q>

  The e with an acute accent ( ) is coded &eacute;.

1 In the TEI, we tag generic identifiers, and would tag entity names if
we were more consistent, and we use CDATA marked sections for examples:

  The <gi>q</gi> tag marks a quotation:
  <eg><![ CDATA [
     <q lang='fra'>L'&eacute;tat, c'est moi!</q>
  The e with an acute accent (&eacute;) is coded <ent>eacute</ent>.

2 Entity references:

  The &lt;q> tag marks a quotation:
     &lt;q lang='fra'>L'&amp;eacute;tat, c'est moi!&lt;q>
  The e with an acute accent (&eacute;) is coded &amp;eacute;.

3 Empty comments:

  The <<!>q> tag marks a quotation:
     <<!>q lang='fra'>L'&<!>eacute;tat, c'est moi!<<!>q>
  The e with an acute accent (&eacute;) is coded &<!>eacute;.

This technique can also be used, substituting processing instructions
or a &nil; entity (defined as '') or -- gulp -- marked sections:
<<!>p> = <<?>p> = <&nil;p> = <<![[]]>p>.

4 CDATA or RCDATA elements:  if EG is an RCDATA element, then
the start-tag for Q can be given literally, the entity references
still need to be escaped, and the end-tag for Q needs to be escaped.
If EG is a CDATA element, I am not sure it's possible to give this
example in this form -- which is why I gave up on CDATA elements in
favor of CDATA marked sections.

5 External CDATA, SDATA, or NDATA entities (I assume CDATA is the
correct choice here, but I am always a bit unsure)

    'ISO 646:1991//NOTATION Internation Reference Version//EN' >
  <!-- ISO 646 is Ascii at last!  Hurrah. -->


  The <gi>q</gi> tag marks a quotation:
  The e with an acute accent (&eacute;) is coded <ent>eacute</ent>.

6 Shortrefs:  define shortrefs of \< and \& for lt and amp.  I've
seen this suggested; has anyone seen it used?

Are there other techniques people have seen?

I began this note intending to argue for CDATA marked sections as
harmless, useful, and not all that hard to parse (backsliding already
from the ascetic position James Clark talked me into yesterday).  Having
reviewed these options, though, I think I have to admit that (R)CDATA
marked sections really are *not* absolutely essential, and thus should
(by James Clark's proposed rule) be omitted from XML.

By another test (would I go to the effort to write a pre-processor for
this feature?), they might belong in XML -- some will insist on editing
using CDATA sections, and export to XML the way people currently export
to HTML.  If XML has CDATA marked sections, we might be able to publish
on the Web *without* an extra export-to-dumb-markup-language step.
But perhaps James is right:  I just need better tools.  An editor macro
to escape the currently selected region, or to de-escape it while I edit
an SGML example, would probably do the trick.

If, in cases of doubt, the rule is to omit the construct, than I
seem to have talked myself into saying:  Junk CDATA marked sections.

C.  Possible Approaches

What are our options for XML?

We could keep marked sections on the grounds that they are useful and
not too hard to parse.  We could simplify the parsing a bit, e.g. by
insisting that CDATA and RCDATA be literals, not entity references,
-- or do people switch between CDATA and IGNORE?!

If we want to lose marked sections, we need to say how to get the
required function.  For CDATA sections, I think either of techniques
2 or 3 above would work, though I suspect someone will want to drop
the empty comment from the language, leaving us with technique 2 (sigh).
For conditional sections, it's harder:

  - we can revise the declaration rules to provide for customization
by other means.  For example "Multiple element declarations are legal;
the first one wins" etc.
  - we can reinvent the C preprocessor, and say that conditional
sections (and perhaps selective expansion of entity references)
is handled by a simple pre-processor.  Dividing up the functionality
this way helps keep it manageable; it also allows us to imagine a
situation in which the server (normally a Big machine) does the
preprocessing, to keep parsing simple for the client (often a Little
machine).  If our motive for keeping XML as light-weight as possible
is to ensure that we can write light-weight processors for low-end
machines, then this would allow us to have an XML Extra-Lite for those
of us with 8086s still on our desks.  The pre-processor can be
pretty light-weight, too, if we make it easy to detect the relevant
parameter-entity declarations and ensure that the DTD can otherwise
be skipped.

Drawback:  separating some function into a pre-processor could be
the thin end of a wedge leading to an XML with optional features,
which would lead to interoperability problems.  We do *not* want
optional features:  any XML processor handling any XML document is
a much more attractive model.

-C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
 ACH / ACL / ALLC Text Encoding Initiative
 University of Illinois at Chicago

Received on Friday, 13 September 1996 17:35:22 UTC