Regular expressions and content models (was: Re: questions about element declarations)

Lee brought up the key issues in content-model ambiguity, and I had a few
things to add, in terms of analysis, and finally opinion.

At 12:15 AM 9/24/96, wrote:
>>> * Should XML allow nondeterministic content models (
>> Again, how much does this complicate validation? I'm not ambiguity expert,
>> but could the problem be solved simply by stipulating that a token is
>> always matched to the first place in the content model it can match,
>> without lookahead?
>Yes, you could do that, but my content model above would then never work,
>because if you omitted a Requirements, you'd be stuck on the first Section*,
>and the Proposal would be an error.
>I think that my Report can be matched with no lookahead if you don't care
>about distinguishing sections in the various groups, but you'd have to use
>a somewhat more sophisticated approach, I'm afraid, than shortest match.
>An NDFA -> DFA conversion ala Aho et. al. would do it.  Here's the model
>again, followed by the reduced DFA:
>    <!Element Report - - (
>	Scope?, Section*, Requirements?, Section*,
>	Proposal?, Section*, Summary?
>    )>
>    Section -> start
>    Scope -> seenScope
>    Requirements -> seenRequirements
>    Proposal -> seenProposal
>    Summary -> seenSummary
>    Section -> seenScope
>    Requirements -> seenRequirements
>    Proposal -> seenProposal
>    Summary -> seenSummary
>    Section -> seenRequirements
>    Proposal -> seenProposal
>    Summary -> seenSummary
>    Section -> seenProposal
>    Summary -> seenSummary
>    EOF -> accept
>    * -> error
>So although this is ambiguous in SGML terms, there is no look-ahead needed.
>Question to brave sould who made it to here: are there any cases where
>look-ahead _would_ be needed?  If so, do they matter?

As long as you don't care which part of the content model matches an
element the answer is "No".

The problems with treating SGML content models as regular expressions are:

1.) &-groups. This is a problem in practice, not principle, because
&-groups either require an extended FSA parser, or exponential table space,
or nondeterministic implementation.

2.) As you note, SGML requires that the parser match syntactic occurrences
in the content model with instances in the document. Any model like (a?, a)
is a problem because we don't know _which_ "a" we've seen. construed as a
regular expression this is a non-problem because the set of strings defined
is the same as than defined by (a, a?) or (a | (a,a)). Equivalence of
regular expressions is defined in terms of the sequence of the elements
they describe. The only sensible way I know to implement this correctly is
to implement content models as NDFAs and then ensure that there is no place
where the non-determinism is used.

   In other words, SGML content models must be parsed as though their
structure is a grammar, and the way that they match the input elements is
significant. This makes content models that define the same language in
different ways inequivalent in SGML terms. This is unforatunate because
standard theory looks at the language (what sequences of subelements are
permitted) and not the parse.

   Now, I think there are two problems with the way SGML does things:

   a) It's a shame that we've invented "almost regular" expressions, and
done it in a way that _prevents_ application of existing tools and basic

   b) It encourages what I call crypto-markup. For instance, a content
model like:
      <!element deflist - - (term, item)+>
   seems to give more structure to the list than is evident from the markup
   <deflist><term>...</term><item>....</item><term>.... </term>.....</deflist>

   The ESIS, for instance, does not let a browser or search or analysis
program determine that a term and its item are grouped. Even examining the
content model doesn't make it as clear as an intermediate element would,
without reparsing the element sequence in the ESIS.

   This all harks back to the grammar/language distinction. We parse as
though the _form_ of the content model is important, but then we hide that
information from the application (unless it should shoose to read the DTD,
and re-parse the elements). If we were to make this information we have
actually made a big change: because we've introduced anonymous nodes
(content model groups) into the SGML parse tree for the first time. I think
that would not be a good idea.

   Note that if XML follows the lead of Hytime, and says that any content
model producing the same sequence of elements is good, we will have removed
one of the perennial thorns in the side of DTD designers, and those who
have to train them. Conversion from XML "any REGEXP goes" content models to
SGML content models is possible (by the theorem proving the equivalence of
DFAs and NDFAs and REs).

   There is a standard algorithm in Hopcroft and Ullman (Intro. to Automata
Theory, Languages and Computation) for producing an RE from a DFA, but the
expressions it produces are yucky, and would not be good SGML content
models. I'm sure that can be fixed up, but I don't have a proof handy.

   If architectural forms didn't have the restrictions of SGML content
models, we could use them to get around the compatibility problem since
they are defined in terms of the language generated (document instance) and
not SGML's model subgroup matching rules.

If you haven't guessed, I'd rather eliminate the ambiguity rules and be
able to use a rich and well-understood theory instead of having to help
invent a new theory that only allows things we might rather not allow

   It's also worth noting that people use naive parsers of ambiguous
regular expressions in text-editors every day, and it's not a problem. So
the efficiencies that motivate the technical argument for eliminating
ambiguity may not be very important anyhow.

   -- David

RE delenda est.

David Durand         |
Boston University Computer Science          | Dynamic Diagrams    |

Received on Friday, 27 September 1996 13:12:14 UTC