(formatted) proposed namespace URI versioning policy
2 questions for the afternoon Q&A session
[VER 3] WS-Policy WG Teleconference 03 Agenda 2006-07-26
- Sanjiva Weerawarana (Saturday, 29 July)
- Tom Jordahl (Friday, 28 July)
- Yalcinalp, Umit (Friday, 28 July)
- Frederick Hirsch (Friday, 28 July)
- Glen Daniels (Friday, 28 July)
- Paul Cotton (Thursday, 27 July)
- Yalcinalp, Umit (Wednesday, 26 July)
- David Orchard (Wednesday, 26 July)
- Paul Cotton (Wednesday, 26 July)
About call for exclusion
bugzilla feed for ws-policy bugs
closed action item 14
closed action item 24
closed action item 32
closed action item 34
closed action item 37
closed action item 6
closed action item 8 -- entering new issues
Data model and formal semantics
Entered bug for Normalization
Extended Domain Expressions
face-to-face issues list (consolidated)
First Editors' Drafts
How to use Bugzilla
New bugzilla bug for issue on distinguishing assertions from parameters entered
NEW ISSUE: "Policy Alternatives" and "Policy" need proper definit ion
NEW ISSUE: Change Reference from RFC 3986 to RFC 3987
NEW ISSUE: Change Reference from RFC 3986 to RFC 3987 [UPDATED]
NEW ISSUE: Clarification on 4.3.2 in framework around normalizing method assertions
NEW ISSUE: Clarify "Framework" in Introduction
NEW ISSUE: Clarify the relation of overlapping definitions in the framework / in the attachement document
NEW ISSUE: Conformance Sections needed for both Specs
NEW ISSUE: Confusing use of "policy expression"
NEW ISSUE: framework and domain specific policy assertions-- clarification of division of concerns in the Introductory sentence
NEW ISSUE: HTTP/HTTPS conflict resolution between policy assertion and WSDL
- Jong Lee (Saturday, 29 July)
- Sverdlov, Yakov (Saturday, 29 July)
- Asir Vedamuthu (Friday, 28 July)
- Maryann Hondo (Wednesday, 26 July)
- Yalcinalp, Umit (Thursday, 20 July)
- Christopher B Ferris (Tuesday, 18 July)
- Sverdlov, Yakov (Tuesday, 18 July)
- Toufic Boubez (Tuesday, 18 July)
- Ashok Malhotra (Tuesday, 18 July)
- Anthony Nadalin (Tuesday, 18 July)
- Toufic Boubez (Tuesday, 18 July)
NEW ISSUE: Misc. (editorial) corrections throughout
NEW ISSUE: Modify wording in 1.1 Introduction for Framework document
NEW ISSUE: Modify wording in Abstract for Framework document
NEW ISSUE: Namespace URI for W3C WS-Policy
NEW ISSUE: Nested policy as a qualifying mechanism on an assertion is too general
NEW ISSUE: Normalization should make empty nested policy elements equivalent to policy statements without nested policy element
NEW ISSUE: Policy Application to Web services Model description i naccurate
NEW ISSUE: Policy Compatibility Check must account for level of N esting of Policy Alternatives
NEW ISSUE: Policy Negotiation
NEW ISSUE: Require assertions to be distinguished from parameter elements
NEW ISSUE: section 1.1 Goals section, rewording
NEW ISSUE: Semantics of successful intersection determined by domain-specific assertion content
NEW ISSUE: The framework specification should enable usage of xml:id
NEW ISSUE: WSDL 2.0 status recorded in Attachments 1.5
new issues to date (14 July)
Observations on WS-Policy - foils for today's presentation
please follow the convention we have adopted
policy attachment slides
policy attachment slides-pdf
proposed namespace URI versioning policy
Raising WS-Policy issues
Report on last WS-Policy interop
REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEM re. http://www.w3.org/2006/07/12-ws-policy-minutes.html#action05
Resolved action item: http://www.w3.org/2006/07/13-ws-policy-minutes.html#action01
REVISED: WS-Policy WG Face-2-Face 02 Agenda 11-13 July 2006
Running example
Slides for WS-Policy Presentation
status sections
Understanding Web Services Policy
we are reconvening at 10 am CDT
WS-Policy April Interop Presentation
WS-Policy WG Face-2-Face 01 Agenda 11-13 July 2006
WS-Policy WG Teleconference 01 Agenda 2006-06-28
WS-Policy WG Teleconference 03 Agenda 2006-07-26
WS-Policy WG Teleconference 04 Agenda 2006-08-02
WS-Policy, minutes of the 2006-07-11 - 07-13 face-to-face meeting
Last message date: Monday, 31 July 2006 23:24:22 UTC