"website" vs "web content" vs other (was Re: Short name for Methodology)
[even more] naming for "Methodology"
- Detlev Fischer (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Amy Chen (Thursday, 20 October)
- Denis Boudreau (Thursday, 20 October)
- Amy Chen (Thursday, 13 October)
- Michael S Elledge (Thursday, 13 October)
- Boland Jr, Frederick E. (Thursday, 13 October)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Thursday, 13 October)
- Léonie Watson (Thursday, 13 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Thursday, 13 October)
- Vincent François (Thursday, 13 October)
- Velleman, Eric (Wednesday, 12 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Wednesday, 12 October)
[more] naming for "Methodology"
- Vincent François (Thursday, 13 October)
- Vincent François (Thursday, 13 October)
- Vincent François (Thursday, 13 October)
- Velleman, Eric (Wednesday, 12 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Tuesday, 11 October)
- RichardWarren (Tuesday, 11 October)
- Léonie Watson (Tuesday, 11 October)
- Denis Boudreau (Monday, 10 October)
- Kathy Wahlbin (Monday, 10 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Monday, 10 October)
[updated] list of documented website accessibility evaluation methodologies
[updated] Requirements
a little late to meeting
Accessibility evaluation methodology
- kvotis@iti.gr (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Saturday, 22 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Saturday, 22 October)
- Kathy Wahlbin (Saturday, 22 October)
- Denis Boudreau (Friday, 21 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Friday, 21 October)
- Joshue O Connor (Friday, 21 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Friday, 21 October)
- Joshue O Connor (Friday, 21 October)
- Léonie Watson (Friday, 21 October)
- RichardWarren (Thursday, 20 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Thursday, 20 October)
- Léonie Watson (Thursday, 20 October)
Agenda EvalTF thursday 27 october
Agenda Meeting 13 October
Alternative concise requirements
Apologies and naming
AW: [even more] naming for "Methodology"
AW: Alternative concise requirements
AW: EvalTF Agenda 6 October
AW: methodology and method
AW: Minutes for Teleconference on 29 September 2011
AW: naming for Methodology
AW: scope of the Methodology (was Re: "website" vs "web content" vs other (was Re: Short name for Methodology))
AW: Wiki: "Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodologies" - title
collecting information about existing website accessibility evaluation methodologies
Concise requirements update
Definition of website
Definition of website--Sorry, hit button too soon!
Eval Methodology - ideas for naming
EvalTF Agenda 6 October
fyi - Browser Vendor Meeting on Testing October 28, 2011
initial EOWG feedback on methodology naming
Little late to telecons
methodology and method
- Detlev Fischer (Thursday, 27 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Wednesday, 26 October)
- Michael S Elledge (Wednesday, 26 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Wednesday, 26 October)
- Velleman, Eric (Wednesday, 26 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Wednesday, 26 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Wednesday, 26 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Tuesday, 25 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Tuesday, 25 October)
Minutes for Teleconference on 13 October 2011
Minutes for Teleconference on 27 October 2011
Minutes for Teleconference on 29 September 2011
Minutes for Teleconference on 6 October 2011
naming for "Methodology"
- Michael S Elledge (Friday, 7 October)
- Elle (Friday, 7 October)
- Denis Boudreau (Friday, 7 October)
- Denis Boudreau (Friday, 7 October)
- Kathy Wahlbin (Thursday, 6 October)
- Boland Jr, Frederick E. (Thursday, 6 October)
- Alistair Garrison (Thursday, 6 October)
- Léonie Watson (Thursday, 6 October)
- kvotis@iti.gr (Thursday, 6 October)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra (Thursday, 6 October)
naming for Methodology
No meeting on Thursday 20 October 2011
possible accessibility evaluation reference - fyi
Proposal to produce two docs: overall methodology and hands-on method
Questions & Review -- Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodology for WCAG 2.0 Requirements
R: Minutes for Teleconference on 29 September 2011
Regrets to next meeting Oct 19
scope of the Methodology (was Re: "website" vs "web content" vs other (was Re: Short name for Methodology))
Short name for Methodology
- Denis Boudreau (Thursday, 20 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Monday, 17 October)
- kvotis@iti.gr (Monday, 17 October)
- Vivienne CONWAY (Monday, 17 October)
- Detlev Fischer (Sunday, 16 October)
- Aaron Leventhal (Friday, 14 October)
- kvotis@iti.gr (Friday, 14 October)
- Kerstin Probiesch (Thursday, 13 October)
- Boland Jr, Frederick E. (Thursday, 13 October)
- Fong, Elizabeth N. (Thursday, 13 October)
- Velleman, Eric (Thursday, 13 October)
table of contents Evaluation Methodology
Testing Link - Possible Resource?
Updated Eval TF homepage
use-cases and scenarios for conformance evaluation
Wiki: "Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodologies" - title
Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2011 22:19:59 UTC