Re: Short name for Methodology

Hello everyone

i aggree with the following comment of Detlev and this was also my comment
to a previous mail. I cannot understand why we are refereeing only to
Websites. I think that we need a more general term including also Web
applications, Mobile Web applications,etc...



> Hi everyone,
> back from holidays, I am trying to catch up with discussions now.
> I do not mind WAEM even though I do not think it is particularly easy
> to pronounce (other then spelling out double-U - E - A - M).
> I have some concern regarding the W for "website", as in the current
> full title
> "Website Accessibility Evaluation Methodology". The "WC" of WCAG
> sounds a lot more general than the term "website". This also relates
> to the important comments by Aaron Leventhal regarding the scope of
> the methodology, tool independence, and the possible need to cover
> different web content and UA scenarios.
> Is what we develop here focused on websites and not on things like web
> apps for mobile UAs? If we want to be as general as WCAG we might need
> to change the full name of the methodology and accordingly, the acronym.
> Regards,
> Detlev
> Zitat von "Velleman, Eric" <>:
>> Dear all,
>> We decided in the call to discuss the short name in the list. Below
>> are some short names from the discussions we had sofar and a
>> proposed shortlist of requirements:
>> Requirements for a short name:
>> - It should be short
>> - Easy to pronounce
>> - Clear to all what it means (selfexplanatory)
>> - Be about the methodology
>> Shortnames (Make your choice or add new ones):
>> - SiteAccess
>> - WCAG-Method
>> - WCAG-EM
>> - WAEM (really using the title)
>> - WCAG-Check
>> - AccessSite
>> - WCAG-Site
>> - AccessCheck
>> - SiteCheck
>> - CheckSite
>> - WAME
>> - MCEWA
>> - CEWA
>> - CEW2WCAG2
>> - UWEM
>> - SITE
>> - MAWA
>> - MDWC
>> - EMAWC
>> - WEM
>> Kindest regards,
>> Eric
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Detlev Fischer PhD
> DIAS GmbH - Daten, Informationssysteme und Analysen im Sozialen
> Gesch?ftsf?hrung: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp
> Telefon: +49-40-43 18 75-25
> Mobile: +49-157 7-170 73 84
> Fax: +49-40-43 18 75-19
> E-Mail:
> Anschrift: Schulterblatt 36, D-20357 Hamburg
> Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 58 167
> Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Thomas Lilienthal, Michael Zapp
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 06:41:39 UTC