[ACTION-149] Dataset semantics VS Graph use cases
[ALL] agenda 21 Mar (Europeans: 1 hour earlier!)
[ALL] agenda 7 March telecon
[All] Agenda for 28 March 2012
[ALL] Finalizing Turtle (was Re: [ALL] agenda 7 March telecon)
[ALL] ISSUE-85: RDF Semantics and Identity of Values
[Graph] abstract syntax for dealing with multiple graphs
\b in Turtle
ACTION-160 : Check for colons in the local part of prefix names
ACTION-161 completed
Agenda for 14 March 2012
Another try.
Antoine's semantics as a model theory. (Was: Re: Islands (ACTION-148))
Can't RDF describe collection resources?
Definitions: RFC 2046 and application/*
Fwd: Comments on abstract syntax document
Fwd: PROV-ISSUE-291 (TLebo): Entity owl:disjointWith Activity [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]
Islands (ACTION-148)
March 14 telecon minutes
Meeting times 1hr earlier in europre, next two weeks.
Minutes from 21 March?
New Proposal (6.1) for GRAPHS
- Pat Hayes (Saturday, 31 March)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux (Saturday, 31 March)
- Pat Hayes (Saturday, 31 March)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux (Friday, 30 March)
- Ivan Herman (Friday, 30 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 30 March)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux (Friday, 30 March)
- Pat Hayes (Thursday, 29 March)
- Eric Prud'hommeaux (Thursday, 29 March)
- Charles Greer (Thursday, 29 March)
- Pat Hayes (Thursday, 29 March)
- Ivan Herman (Thursday, 29 March)
- Steve Harris (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Steve Harris (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Guus Schreiber (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Andy Seaborne (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Steve Harris (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Andy Seaborne (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Ivan Herman (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Lee Feigenbaum (Wednesday, 28 March)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 28 March)
on Gavin's proposal concerning NTriples mimetype
one more comment on STRING_LITERAL2 Re: review comments of N-Triples in the Turtle document
Possible regret for today's telecon
PROV-ISSUE-291 (TLebo): Entity owl:disjointWith Activity [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]
RDF as a context logic
RDF-ISSUE-85 (identity-of-values): Update RDF Semantics to distinguish between the identity of values and the (numeric) equality of values to be in line with XSD 1.1 [RDF Semantics]
Reconciliation of concerns, re islands and dataset semantics?
regrets for the coming telecon
reminder for Europeans: call in 5 min
review comments of N-Triples in the Turtle document
Review of Turtle doc (part 1)
simplified section 2.3 Abbreviating common datatypes
thought experiment: Oracle will not object to *every* substantive change to NTriple
three kinds of dataset
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 13 March)
- Pat Hayes (Monday, 12 March)
- Pat Hayes (Monday, 12 March)
- Guus Schreiber (Monday, 12 March)
- Pat Hayes (Friday, 9 March)
- Antoine Zimmermann (Wednesday, 7 March)
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Antoine Zimmermann (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Antoine Zimmermann (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Charles Greer (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Souripriya Das (Tuesday, 6 March)
- Pat Hayes (Tuesday, 6 March)
today's RDF WG minutes
Turtle document strategy [Was: Re: Review of Turtle doc (part 1)]
Updated some tests
Use cases wrt Dataset proposal (UC 1.5, UC 5.2)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 7 March)
- Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 7 March)
- Kingsley Idehen (Saturday, 3 March)
- Dan Brickley (Saturday, 3 March)
- Dan Brickley (Saturday, 3 March)
- Pat Hayes (Saturday, 3 March)
- Antoine Zimmermann (Friday, 2 March)
- Pat Hayes (Thursday, 1 March)
- Lee Feigenbaum (Thursday, 1 March)
- Alex Hall (Thursday, 1 March)
- Antoine Zimmermann (Thursday, 1 March)
- Dan Brickley (Thursday, 1 March)
- Pat Hayes (Thursday, 1 March)
Last message date: Saturday, 31 March 2012 19:48:56 UTC