Re: RDF-ISSUE-85 (identity-of-values): Update RDF Semantics to distinguish between the identity of values and the (numeric) equality of values to be in line with XSD 1.1 [RDF Semantics]

(Speaking as semantics co-editor.)  The key notion in the semantics is identity. When the semantics uses an equality sign, it means identity; this is also the normative meaning of owl:sameAs. This applies even when discussing the semantics of datatypes.    
Given that XML Schema now distinguishes identity from (numerical) equality, the semantics document should make it explicitly clear that it is based on the former and does not address the latter, when referring to XML Schema. The exact choice of wording to ensure this is, I submit, an editorial decision.

Should the RDF documents also refer to SPARQL and clarify the cases where SPARQL uses numerical equality? I have no opinion on this but can craft words to suit, if this is thought to be useful. 

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Received on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 16:30:01 UTC