Re: simplified section 2.3 Abbreviating common datatypes

I went chasing a bunch of issues in Turtle sections 1-3:
  • contrast N-Triples and Turtle.
  • s/URI Reference/IRI/g
  • clarify IRI parsing
  • aggregated the informative and normative definitions of RDF Terms
    (It was hard for me to make a principled distinction. I decided
     instead to make everything accurate and normative.)
  • replaced all "this is not a complete turtle document" with valid documents.
  • proposed a grammar change
   -[73s] BLANK_NODE_LABEL ::= "_:" PN_LOCAL 
   +[73s] BLANK_NODE_LABEL ::= "_:" ( PN_CHARS_U | [0-9] ) ( ( PN_CHARS | '.' )*  PN_CHARS ) ?   # no PLX
   which makes Turtle blank nodes the same as N-Triples blank nodes.

In the process, I wove N-Triples documentation into the main text.

I propose that the text in sections 1-3 in
be substituted back into
as the Editor's draft. Opinions?

Received on Sunday, 25 March 2012 18:22:29 UTC