from February 2012 by subject

(Inquiry) the last f2f for mawg in April

[AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-02-07

[AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-02-14

[AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-02-21

[AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-02-28

[urgent] Implementation for XMP


AW: (Inquiry) the last f2f for mawg in April

AW: [AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-02-21

AW: XMP example and XMP JSON response files don't seem to be in sync.

bug in the RDF Media Ontology

Call for Papers: EKAW 2012 (International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management)

Call for Posters: TKE 2012 - New frontiers in the constructive symbiosis of terminology and knowledge engineering

Implementation for XMP

JSON Resonses for general test cases & stub for getOriginalMetadata

Status of Implementation Report

The Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 is a Recommendation.

XMP example and XMP JSON response files don't seem to be in sync.

XMP RDF file checked?

YouTube mapping table

Youtube RDF update ?

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 February 2012 09:08:39 UTC