Re: bug in the RDF Media Ontology


Unfortunately the media Ontology is now published as a Recommendation 
and it cannot be edited.

I had send an earlier message for people of the group to review the 
document, and had explained that once the document is published as a 
Rec, it is frozen forever, and no edits can be done on this document.

However, there is an errata page linked from the Rec at
for corrections.

I have edited this page and have added the two errata for RDF and TTL.
Please review it carefully.

Furthermore, the media Ontology Recommendation links to two external files

from the spec :

"For you convenience, you may download this RDF file at"

"For you convenience, you may download this TTL file at"

I have published your new RDF and TTl version in these 2 URI.


The RDF and TTL embeded in the spec in sections 7.3 and section 8 can 
not be edited and will remain with the bugs.

The links to the external RDF and TTL files are corrected.
The errata page explains these errors and how to mofify it.



Le 15/02/2012 15:22, Pierre-Antoine Champin a écrit :
> Hi,
> while completing ACTION-464 (as per my previous mail), I noticed that a
> minor bug made its way into the published MA ontology...
> Basically, the property ma:collectionName is declared to be a *subclass*
> (yes, subclass, not subproperty) of rdfs:label (actually something even
> more exotic than that).
> The goal was obviously to make it a *subproperty* of rdfs:label, so I
> attach a fixed version of the RDF/XML&  TTL (as well as the
> HTML-embedable of each one).
> This is really an erratum, not an editorial change, so I hope there will
> be no trouble for replacing it.
>   pa

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 09:57:38 UTC