Re: YouTube mapping table

It is now way too late to introduce a new mapping table in the REC document.
AC reps have voted on the PR document and we are not allowed to 
introduce more stuff into the specification apart from small editorial 
bugs fix.

I propose that we leave the spec as is. I will remove the creator entry 
in the YouTube mapping.
creator 	exact 	/atom:entry/atom:author/@uri 	creator:@url

We can add a new mapping table with ATOM format in the appropriate 
document linked from the REC document.


Le 01/02/2012 19:09, Wonsuk Lee a écrit :
> Hi. Sebastian.
> Thanks a lot for good comments.
> I think in case of youtube metadata format, we need to provide two
> different mapping table for RSS format and ATOM format. Because
> metadata description for media with one format like RSS or ATOM is
> appropriate than mixed description with both format.
> What do you think?
> best regards,
> Wonsuk.
> 2012/1/31 Sebastian Schaffert<>:
>> Dear all,
>> while implementing a YouTube-Media Ontology mapper, I encountered the following additional problems:
>> 1. ATOM Protocol
>> YouTube nowadays uses the ATOM protocol as default, not RSS (still available as secondary protocol though)
>> 2. Keywords (ma-ont:keyword)
>> XPath: /atom:entry/media:group/media:keywords
>> YouTube will return a single value with a comma-separated list of keywords; in Media Ontology, this should be split into at least the individual keywords.
>> An alternative offered by the YouTube Atom API would be /atom:entry/atom:category[@scheme='']/@term
>> 3. Category (ma-ont:genre)
>> XPath: /atom:entry/media:group/media:category
>> YouTube returns the category as a string, but the reference defines that this string should be mapped to the YouTube Schema URI, i.e.
>> if /atom:entry/media:group/media:category = Music, then the mapping should be to;
>> reference:
>> 4. Copyright (ma-ont:copyright)
>> XPath: /atom:entry/media:group/media:license
>> the YouTube API returns copyright information as media:license element. This could be mapped to the ma-ont:copyright property with a bit of transformation, because YouTube only offers two values, "cc" for creative commons and "youtube" for their own license.
>> reference:
>> Here is my complete mapping implementation:
>>     private static Map<String,ValueMapper>  mediaOntMappings = new HashMap<String, ValueMapper>();
>>     static {
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("", new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/atom:id"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",      new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/atom:title"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",    new XPathURIMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:content/@url")); // URI
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",    new XPathURIMapper("/atom:entry/atom:author/@uri"));               // URI
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",       new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/atom:published","dateTime"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",   new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/georss:where/gml:Point/gml:pos"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:description"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",    new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/atom:category[@scheme='']/@term"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",      new YoutubeCategoryMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:category"));       // URI, should  be mapped to YouTube schemas (
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",     new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/gd:rating/@average","float"));          // Float
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",  new XPathURIMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:license/@href"));         // URI of license terms
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",  new XPathURIMapper("/atom:entry/atom:author/@uri"));               // URI
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:content/@type"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",   new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:content/@duration","integer"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",     new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:content/@type"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",    new XPathURIMapper("/atom:entry/media:group/media:thumbnail/@url"));
>>         mediaOntMappings.put("",      new XPathLiteralMapper("/atom:entry/yt:statistics/@viewCount","integer"));
>>     }
>> I will publish the source code as part of our Linked Media Framework as soon as our servers are running again :)
>> Am 31.01.2012 um 12:55 schrieb Florian Stegmaier:
>>> Dear Thierry, all,
>>> our colleagues at Salzburg Research are using our ontology (and soon the API) in their Linked Media Framework. I have put Sebastian into CC. He has just send me the pointer, that there is a mapping for ma:creator. In our mapping table there is N/A.
>>> Please refer to [1] and mapping would be as follows:
>>> "/atom:entry/atom:author/@uri" ->  ""
>>> We should discuss this in todays telecon. He will finalize his work on YouTube today and will provide me his mappings as well.
>>> Cheers.
>>> [1]
>>> _____________________________
>>> Dipl. Inf. Florian Stegmaier
>>> Chair of Distributed Information Systems
>>> University of Passau
>>> Innstr. 43
>>> 94032 Passau
>>> Room 248 ITZ
>>> Tel.: +49 851 509 3063
>>> Fax: +49 851 509 3062
>>> _____________________________
>>> _____________________________
>>> Dipl. Inf. Florian Stegmaier
>>> Chair of Distributed Information Systems
>>> University of Passau
>>> Innstr. 43
>>> 94032 Passau
>>> Room 248 ITZ
>>> Tel.: +49 851 509 3063
>>> Fax: +49 851 509 3062
>>> _____________________________
>> Sebastian
>> --
>> | Dr. Sebastian Schaffert
>> | Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft
>> | Head of Knowledge and Media Technologies Group          +43 662 2288 423
>> | Jakob-Haringer Strasse 5/II
>> | A-5020 Salzburg

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 20:36:00 UTC