Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotation WG Teleconf - 2012-02-07

>> My understanding is that Wonsuk had updated the XML and JSON for the
>> YouTube format.
>> annotation/2012Jan/0035.html
> Sure. That's right.
>> I have published these in the testsuite.
>> Wonsuk could you please synchronize with Florian, to see what needs to
>> be done for C.
> For Youtube format, I sent updated files (XML and JSON) compared with
> existing files in the site.
> This means it isn't required to update the RDF file.

I had published your YouTube (XML and JSON) files in the testsuite.
Are you saying that the ones in the testsuite are not the same revised 
files you had sent ?

Maybe you are browsing your cache.

Could you please verify.


Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2012 20:10:37 UTC