Re: ACTION-464

Thanks Pierre Antoine for reviewing the testsuite files

Seems there are still plenty of bugs in our test suite and thanks for 
fixing them.

Editors please send a review of these new files in order to publish them 
in the testsuite.

The bad news is that XMP and YouTube also have errors.

 > XMP:
 >   * discrepancies in datatypes btw RDF/XML&  TTL
 >   * missing intermediate blank nodes for hasKeyword, hasGenre, 
 > Youtube
 >   * deprecated use of ma:identifier (now owl:sameAs)
 >   * generated TTL

This means we will have once again to generate proper XML, RDF and TTL.

Florian will need once again to regenerate the corresponding JSON Files
and I will have once again to reedit the XML and JSON atomic responses 
for the implementation report ...

Felix and Werner please have a *deep review* of these files. We must 
have a *final and stable version* in order for Florian and I to use 
these to edits the implementation report.

Unfortunately this is delaying our milestones.



Le 15/02/2012 15:00, Pierre-Antoine Champin a écrit :
> Hi,
> I completed my ACTION-464 which was to review the XMP files (RDF and TTL).
> As I used some new tools for that review, I had the curiosity to test
> them on the other testsuite files... and I'm ashamed to say that I had
> missed *a lot* of issues with the files I reviewed previously :-/
> Here are all the files I modified (+ two I generated, namely the TTL
> files for IPTC and Youtube), and the reason for the modifications.
>    pa
> CableLabs:
>   * ill-named properties holder and policy
>   * TTL must be UTF8 (was latin1)
> DublinCore:
>   * deprecated use of ma:identifier (now owl:sameAs)
> EBU:
>   * discrepancies btw RDF/XML&  TTL
>   * QNames used where URIs were expected (RDF/XML)
>   * deprecated use of ma:identifier (now owl:sameAs)
>   * wrong XML-Schema NS URI
>   * deprecated use of ma:identifier (now owl:sameAs)
>   * ill-named copyright property
>   * inconsistent datatypes
>   * generated TTL
>   * wrong XML-Schema NS URI
>   * spurious new-line characters in TTL
>   * missing intermediate blank node with hasLanguage
>   * slight discrepancy btw RDF/XML&  TTL
> OGG:
>   * blank nodes detaches from the actual property
>   * TTL must be UTF8 (was latin1)
> TV-Anytime:
>   * many discrepancies btw RDF/XML&  TTL - regenerated TTL
>   * inconsistent datatypes
> XMP:
>   * discrepancies in datatypes btw RDF/XML&  TTL
>   * missing intermediate blank nodes for hasKeyword, hasGenre, hasCompression
> Youtube
>   * deprecated use of ma:identifier (now owl:sameAs)
>   * generated TTL
> MP4:
>   * fixed a bug in the turtle file
> WebM:
>   * ill-named properties hasNumTracks, hasSamplingRate, isNumTrack

Received on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 15:58:20 UTC