from June 2015 by subject

(Possibly) core issue on identification with EPUB-WEB, packaging, fragments...

(slightly OT) ORCID identifiers

48-Hour Call for Consensus (CfC): Publish "ARIA D-Pub Roles" FPWD

[DPUB] Added STEM Use Case

[dpub] agenda 20150601

[DPUB] agenda 20150608

[DPUB] agenda 20150615

[DPUB] agenda 20150622

[DPUB] agenda 20150629

[dpub] CSS Priorities Spreadsheet

[dpub] Filing browser bugs (was: CSS Priorities Spreadsheet)

[Meeting Summary] Meeting summary 2015-06-29

[Meeting Summary] Meeting Summary for telco on 2015-06-22

[Meeting Summary] Summary of meeting 2015-06-08

[Meeting Summary] Summary of meeting 2015-06-15

[Meeting Summary] Summary of telco 2015-06-01

[Minutes] 2015-06-01 Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

[Minutes] 2015-06-15 Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

[Minutes] 2015-06-22 Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

[Minutes] 2015-06-29 Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

[Moderator Action] public mailing list

[packaging] TAG discusses the packaging spec

[W3C chairs] Identifying new groups and communities W3C should reach

A11Y DPUB Meeting minutes 6/28/15

Added a new use case on interactive data

Advance notice on the charter has gone out

CJK-related CSS priorities

Comment RE: 48-Hour Call for Consensus (CfC): Publish "ARIA D-Pub Roles" FPWD

Fwd: MathML 3.0 Becomes ISO/IEC International Standard (Press Release)

Fwd: TPAC 2015 Registration Now Open

FYI: BiB conference takes a hiatus

Manifest(o)s, offline reading, and EPUB+WEB

MathML 3.0 Becomes ISO/IEC International Standard (Press Release)

Meeting minutes - 2015-06-08

Meeting minutes 2015-06-29

Meeting this morning

New CSS Working Group Chairs: Rossen Atanassov, Alan Stearns

RE : [W3C chairs] Identifying new groups and communities W3C should reach

report: iOS9 adds "print to PDF"

Setting the record straight on PLOS

use case: page based scholarly reference?

Video: State of Web Typography

Webex best pratice: Present list

wiki page for the next DPUB F2F 29-30 October, Sapporo, Japan.

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 2015 06:59:51 UTC