[Minutes] 2015-06-22 Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

Hi all,

The minutes of the Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference 
dated 2015-06-22 are now available at


These public minutes are also linked from the dpub wiki

Also find these minutes in a text version following, for your convenience.


Thierry Michel



       [1] http://www.w3.org/

             Digital Publishing Interest Group Teleconference

22 Jun 2015


       [2] http://www.w3.org/mid/5582D1E1.7030707@gmail.com

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2015/06/22-dpub-irc


           Brady Duga (duga), Ivan Herman (ivan), Dave Cramer
           (dauwhe), Tzviya Siegman (tzviya), Deborah Kaplan, Alan
           Stearns (astearns), Thierry Michel (tmichel), Ben De
           Meester (bjdmeest), Markus Gylling (mgylling), Julie
           Morris (julie), Tim Cole (TimCole), Toru Kawakubo
           (kwkbtr), Ayla Stein (ayla_stein), Doug Schepers
           (shepazu), Shinyu Murakami (murakami), Charles Lapierre
           (clapierre1), Miller (MikeMiller), Bill Kasdorf
           (Bill_Kasdorf), Karen Myers (Karen), Tim Cole (TimCole),
           Peter Krautzberger (pkra).

           Heather Flanagan, Nick Ruffilo.

           Markus Gylling

           Dave Cramer (dauwhe)


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]STEM Survey
          2. [6]DPUB-ARIA
          3. [7]CSS Priority Use case
      * [8]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 22 June 2015

    <ivan> present dave_cramer

    <Julie> + julie morris

    <ivan> scribenick: dauwhe

    [general hilarity]

    <tzviya> chair: tzviya

    <tzviya> agenda:


    [unicode humor]

    tzviya: let's get started

    <tzviya> [10]http://www.w3.org/2015/06/15-dpub-minutes.html

      [10] http://www.w3.org/2015/06/15-dpub-minutes.html

    tzviya: last week's minutes
    ... any comments?
    ... minutes approved



    tzviya: PF has asked the publishing community to look at
    ... it's at risk and might be removed
    ... Rich has asked us to send comments
    ... we discussed this on friday

    dkaplan3: described-at is very valuable for digital publishing
    ... some of the concerns about longdesc are addressed by this
    ... some concerns are not addressed, but we still think it's
    ... very powerful: any element can reference something further
    ... we think it would be good for dpub

    tzviya: right now publishing is embracing a11y, but it's in
    early stages
    ... took me 18mo to get my company to use alt text
    ... we're a slow moving industry

    <Bill_Kasdorf> +1 to Tzviya

    tzviya: we like a11y and want to support it
    ... but it's tricky to say if we don't use this right away, it
    will be removed

    dkaplan3: the publishers want us to tell them what to do
    ... they will adopt them at glacial speed, along with reading
    ... must be supported by user agents
    ... they want us to say "here is what you can use"

    Bill_Kasdorf: quick question
    ... is the key point that longdesc and described-at are not the
    same thing
    ... some folks who hate longdesc also hate described-at
    ... sometimes for the same reasons

    dkaplan3: we want both

    ivan: I was not part of this discussion
    ... what is the problem with the attribute? Why is it

    dkaplan3: when you are talking about offline reading, having an
    attribute referencing content that's not packaged is a concern
    ... is it worth addressing? We think so.

    ivan: one thing we want to achieve is making offline/online
    distinction secondary
    ... content may be offline now, but may be online in two hours
    or two minutes

    Bill_Kasdorf: that reinforces argument that we need both

    tzviya: we have lots to do

    dkaplan3: a good thing from dpub would be
    ... use cases showing how these descriptions are really big or
    really frequent
    ... and so they do need to be linked from somewhere else

    <tmichel> rrsagaent, draft minutes

    clapierre1: longdesc is not an a11y attribute, aria is
    ... because it's an a11y attribute, it should be something
    else, so it can be used for anything

    tzviya: next steps for this group
    ... dkapan3, could you write up a few sentences to send to Rich
    and friends
    ... it's important, we may not be able to embrace immediately,
    but we're coming

    ivan: I can read it

    tzviya: this is where our role as liason to BISG would come in

    Julie: we can also mention that in a bulletin

    <pkra> stem

    tzviya: as soon as I find the agenda I'll talk about what's

STEM Survey

    pkra: update
    ... we're still working on survey
    ... making progress
    ... some tech difficulties which have been resolved
    ... vacations have been resolved ;)
    ... we had summary from w3c form system
    ... generated the source data
    ... Nick pushed it into an SQL database so we could query

    <ayla_stein> fire alarm, have to leave

    pkra: we have this database, and tim has explored
    ... can get advanced slices of data
    ... now we can slice up data based on background of respondents

    <TimCole> I am on the call.

    pkra: people who are publishers point to lack of w3c standards
    ... but authors didn't mention this
    ... so we get useful information
    ... next steps?
    ... planning a meeting of task force soon
    ... jump right in to writing the note
    ... based on survey structure
    ... and we can create better queries
    ... the more you look at survey the more it becomes clear it's
    limited in it's usefulness
    ... not a representative sample
    ... 2nd problem is responses have limited quality
    ... which is the fault of the survey
    ... there aren't actually many obvious patterns
    ... which could further the work of task force
    ... people are unhappy with lack of MathML support in browsers
    ... but this is not a surprise
    ... we will see some interesting snippets
    ... we're working on it, we're making progress
    ... the bigger question is what we can do next
    ... the survey has not been super-helpful
    ... I now have more ideas on MathML

    Karen: what kind of people do we want on this task force, and
    what deliverables are short and long term possibilities?
    ... what are we inviting them to work on?
    ... that's a q for peter and wider group

    pkra: work on whatever they work on, which may sound ridiculous
    ... we have the example of chemistry where there's a strong xml
    ... but there's nothting that ties into w3c work
    ... we need to find people to bring the right kind of abilities
    ... and here I'm not the expert

    tzviya: we've had more feedback on workflow than tech issues
    ... people hack it
    ... chemistry, physics, any sciences
    ... we don't want to create work for ourselves
    ... if it's not immediate we have enough to do

    TimCole: we need to do human reading of data

    <Bill_Kasdorf> +1 to Tim

    TimCole: and come up with more succinct survey, that could be
    filled out by larger group

    <Karen> +1 focused quantitative survey built on top of
    qualitative work Peter did

    TimCole: many answers said, "we should have asked this"
    ... interesting dicotomies
    ... particular content types could benefit from
    standardization, but list was divergent

    ivan: putting on my w3c hat
    ... an interesting question would be
    ... are there formats like mathml that need standardization
    ... and can be done at w3c
    ... this kind of input would be useful
    ... there are a number of formats out there that are created
    for different purposes

    <Bill_Kasdorf> Re Ivan's question, I'd suggest chemistry and 3D

    ivan: do we know what they are, how mature, do they need a
    ... chemistry, 3d, probably others
    ... I told you about doug and I bringing in musicML
    ... knowing about the needs would be valuable for w3c

    pkra: another example
    ... the jupiter notebook format, a computational document
    ... there's an opportunity, but it's very early on
    ... both the iPython people and publishers see that this could
    be standardized
    ... but it's too soon
    ... i don't know which of these things fit well with mission of
    ... it's very application specific right now
    ... but could be more general purpose in 3 or 5 or ten years

    <Bill_Kasdorf> One way to pose the question to publishers would
    be "what formats would it be useful for browsers to natively

    tzviya: we have full agenda
    ... it's a work in progress, we'll know more in a few weeks,
    and task force will be drafting a note
    ... sounds like you need more human-power

    pkra: we have enough people but not enough time

    tzviya: we'll takl about timelines. when do you expect draft
    will get started

    pkra: will be started at next TF meeting, this week or next

    tzviya: we have timeline in our charter
    ... let's talk about timelines offline

    <tzviya> [12]http://www.w3.org/2015/06/mathmlpas.html

      [12] http://www.w3.org/2015/06/mathmlpas.html

    tzviya: Karen emailed about ISO standardization of MathML and
    how they need support statements

    <pkra> +1

    Karen: send them to me. Quote, org name, attribution, title

    <tzviya> [13]https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/dpub.html

      [13] https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/dpub.html


    tzviya: the digital publishing module of ARIA
    ... biggest change is a note
    ... mentioning that we're formally requesting feedback from
    publishing, and specifically IDPF
    ... "don't use this until we resolve confusion w/ EPUB
    structural semantics vocab"

    mgylling: you got it all



CSS Priority Use case

    tzviya: some additions to css priorities use cases on cjk

    murakami: I received a comment from chinese layout task force
    ... bopomofo is listed ???



    murakami: bopomofo should be listed in CSS priority list

    <tzviya> marakami: chinese layout TF said bopofomo should be
    listed in these requirements

    murakami: Chinese needs this

    ivan: two things
    ... Bobby told us about this before, it's important for
    traditional chinese
    ... my problem is not with what murakami added
    ... we know that css modules do deal with ruby
    ... also try to take care of bopomofo
    ... we know that's happening
    ... but what are things that are needed but are not happening
    in CSS
    ... how to distinguish between what's important but being taken
    care of
    ... and what isn't being taken care of
    ... we need priorities here

    tzviya: murakami, can you take care of that?

    murakami: yes
    ... i have to find the priority





    tzviya: with fifteen minutes left, we get to today's discussion
    ... talking about packages and how to identify them
    ... at F2F we talked about packages, fragment identifiers, and
    primary identifiers
    ... and whether we need a package
    ... I'll turn it over to markus and ivan

    mgylling: ivan, can you give us a summary?

    ivan: i can try
    ... we discussed at F2F and later
    ... whether we need packaging, what format, etc
    ... and we talked about identification of package
    ... on the mailing list we had vague conclusion
    ... what we need is an abstract concept
    ... i don't want to use the word package
    ... a web document which is not the same as a web page
    ... which contains all the dependencies in one place
    ... along with pages that are logically included
    ... if it's offline it's in a package
    ... if it's online there's no real term
    ... bill was pushing for word publication
    ... more a conceptual thing than technical thing
    ... helps keep our mind focused
    ... can be tightly bound to web manifest

    <Bill_Kasdorf> A publication can contain many documents, and it
    can be packaged or not packaged.

    <tzviya> +1

    ivan: which is equiv of package file in epub

    <tzviya> +1 to web manifest. that is

    ivan: epubweb talks about these web publications which have
    offline and online maniftestation
    ... the whole addressing may become much easier
    ... because it's closely bound to what happens online
    ... maybe we don't need anything special
    ... but we need to address all media and fragments in media
    ... bill and markus?

    mgylling: I'm happy to take over the mumbling
    ... the core issue is that addressing a publication with a
    primary identifier should be transparent to online/offline
    ... the mechanism has to be the same
    ... you touched upon it, it might not be that difficult
    ... let the online version be canonical
    ... so when a publication goes offline
    ... all it needs to do is carry with it that original url
    ... so incoming references can be dealt with
    ... in short, one can say
    ... either pub lives at url or it doesn't, but it has that URL
    as it's most basic identifier
    ... this wouldn't prevent at all the more luxurious things like

    Bill_Kasdorf: speaking as one who is participating in a
    sickening number of groups on identifiers
    ... i like this approach
    ... becasue it's identifier-agnostic
    ... if we try to mandate something, it won't fly
    ... book industry has a problem 'cause of no work identifier
    ... it simplifies whole thing
    ... express the url however you want, here's how you handle it
    when publication goes offline
    ... but use whatever identifier you want in the url
    ... the simplicity is powerful and practical

    ivan: continuing what you said
    ... what you have here is an operational description
    ... an identifier points to something on the web
    ... if I make a GET request what I get is either a package or a
    specialized web manifest
    ... in a future architecture, when I get a package it will be
    handled by service workers
    ... so what's important is the manifest

    <Bill_Kasdorf> Also +1 to web manifest

    ivan: the internals of the package falls back to what is usual
    ... I don't know if the fragments per se need to be dealt with
    for publications
    ... we just need to deal with the various media types
    ... we should NOT define our own fragment identifiers

    <Bill_Kasdorf> +1

    ivan: what we should do is work out some examples of what
    happens in various situations
    ... and how the procedures, the http protocols work, when a
    publication is here or there
    ... and how it's done in internal vs external reference
    ... we should go through these exercises

    shepazu: the notion of anchoring is taken up by web annotations
    ... with notion of rangefinder API; a fpwd will be published in
    next few weeks

    tzviya: cool
    ... the idea of using any fragment id is nice and flexible, it
    loses some of the things we're striving for
    ... the degradation of URLs with citations
    ... if annotations support that we're good
    ... we want to make sure all the things we talked about in
    epubweb are supported

    ivan: we need to work out some scenarios
    ... how would these things works, where are those devils who
    are in the details
    ... but we have a whole new charter to tell us how to do this

    tzviya: any more comments?
    ... thanks everyone

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [18]scribe.perl version
     1.140 ([19]CVS log)
     $Date: 2015/06/22 16:09:13 $

      [18] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/%7Echeckout%7E/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
      [19] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

    [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30
Check for newer version at [20]http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/

      [20] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/%7Echeckout%7E/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/vvery/very/
Succeeded: s/brining/bringing/
Succeeded: s/publiscation/publication/
Found ScribeNick: dauwhe
Inferring Scribes: dauwhe
Present: duga ivan_herman doug_schepers markus_gylling Dave_Cramer shiny
u_murakami tzviya_siegman deborah_kaplan Toru_Kawakubo astearns charles_
lapierre mgylling michael_miller Ben_De_Meester julie_morris Bill_Kasdor
f Tim_Cole toru_kawakubo Ayla Stein pkra Karen thierry
Agenda: [21]http://www.w3.org/mid/5582D1E1.7030707@gmail.com
Found Date: 22 Jun 2015
Guessing minutes URL: [22]http://www.w3.org/2015/06/22-dpub-minutes.html
People with action items:

      [21] http://www.w3.org/mid/5582D1E1.7030707@gmail.com
      [22] http://www.w3.org/2015/06/22-dpub-minutes.html

    [End of [23]scribe.perl diagnostic output]

      [23] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/%7Echeckout%7E/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm

Received on Monday, 22 June 2015 16:33:11 UTC