from September 2006 by subject

3559 NEW ISSUE: Conformance Sections needed for both Specs

3617 - ACTION 13 Namespace URI versioning policy

[Bug 3656] Using UsingAddressing Extension Element as a WS-Policy assertion

[Bug 3656] Using UsingAddressing Extension Element as aWS-Policy assertion

[VER 2] Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 09 - 2006-09-06

[VER 2] Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 10 - 2006-09-27

[VER 3] Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 09 - 2006-09-06

[VER 3] Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 10 - 2006-09-27

A bit on the formal semantics

Action Item

Agenda: WS-Policy WG F2F 09 - 2006-09-12 - 14

Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 09 - 2006-09-06

Agenda: WS-Policy WG Teleconference 10 - 2006-09-27

Behaviour of WS-Policy aware clients

Bug 3549 issue and questions, to complete action 70

Bug 3705 --- there questions

Does the selected Policy alternative apply in both directions?

Editors request clarification on Primer source(s)

Editors' Draft of the Primer Available - AI 103

External Policy Attachment usecase

input on primer for F2F agenda

Issue 3557 (was ACTION 53

ISSUE 3564: Optional Assertions may not be usable in all cir cumstances

ISSUE 3564: Optional Assertions may not be usable in all circumstances

issue 3613 proposed resolution

Issue 3619 - input from WS-Addressing WG

Issue 3620 is out of scope

Issue 3703 - Clarify that element item always assertion in policy expression

Issue 3708 - Update security considerations section of Framework to include discussion of XML Signature use as well as additional security considerations from Primer

Issue 3710 - clarify that assertion parameters are opaque to framework policy processing

Issue 3711 - wsp:PolicyReference can be used in any place where you can use wsp:Policy

Issue 3711 added - add cross-product description to 4.3.3 in Framework

Issue 3712 - wsp:PolicyReference can be used in any place where you can use wsp:Policy

Issue 3722: Levels of indirection for policy references

New C14N/1.1 WD and Web Services Policy 1.5 - Framework (ed. copy)

NEW ISSUE (3638) Need to be able to specify ordering between assertions

NEW ISSUE (3639) Which policy alternative was selected?

NEW ISSUE 3752: Clarify restrictions of ID type usage

NEW ISSUE 3753: Example 1-1 is not a complete security policy

New issue(3662): Use of element wildcard ##any namespace vs ##other namespace

NEW ISSUE: (3623) Relation of Attachment to SAWSDL

NEW ISSUE: Clarify the policy model for Web Services

NEW ISSUE: Editorial corrections and clarifications from UDDI TC (Bugzilla ID 3709)

NEW ISSUE: New Attribute keyword to identify 'local' policies #3721

NEW ISSUE: Non normative recommendation on calculating effective polices for arbitrary XML elements

NEW ISSUE: Semantics of successful intersection determined by domain-specific assertion content

NEW ISSUE: Terms should be defined/targeted in the appropriate sections of the spec

Policy expressions with no wire manifestation

Position on various issues

Proposal for Bug 3599

Proposal for Bug 3730

Proposal for issue 3620

Regrets for actual real-life attendance at f2f

Request for today's agenda

Resolution to Issue 3617

Schedule for development of Last Call WDs

Scribe information for the FAQ

Simplifying the meaning of assertions and wsp:optional

Suggested text to close Bug 3602

Updated Editors Draft of WS-Policy 1.5 Primer - For Approval as P ublic WD

ws-policy 9/28/2006: Upcoming Policy Workshop 2007

WS-Policy Attachment for WSDL 2.0

WS-Policy Editors drafts available

WS-Policy reference indirection

Last message date: Saturday, 30 September 2006 18:17:19 UTC