xmlschema-dev@w3.org from October 2003 by subject

<xs:attribute use='prohibited'> question

[ANN] XSDdoc 2.0 - XML Schema Documentation/Browsing Software.

[xmlschema-dev] <none>

ANN: Syntext Serna Beta-2 Release: XML Schema-on-the-fly WYSIWYG XML Editor

ANN: Syntext Serna Beta-3 Release: XML Schema on-the-fly WYSIWYG XML Editor

ANN: X2U - XML Editor

ANN: XML::Validator::Schema 1.03

change the question slightly maybe...schemas, leveraging their object orientedness??

Changing "substitutionGroup" to "choice" and maintaining the validation equality of the schema

Complex types - How to define a template to be derived?

Default value for Element Vs Attribute

Do XML Schema processors verify schemas using XML Schema?

DTD and namespaces

enumerated and patterned QNames

Enumeration component and restriction

extension of an abstract complexType


fundamental facets - a query from the XML Schema WG

help for getting value of attributes elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault using SOM

Invalid per cvc-complex-type.1.3: undeclared attribute {None}:use

Is document order of content in XML required?

key & keyref problem (invalid XPath)

linking from html to xsd

message-based services using axis

More about pointless things

Nested Substitutiongroups, how to?

no response??? schemas, leveraging their object orientedness??

Pointless <sequence>, <choice>, <all>

Problem with .NET - Invalid particle derivation by restriction

Problem with .NET - Invalid particle derivation by restriction - next problem

Problem with .NET - substitution group membership not allowed

Problem with validating docuemnt w/Valid Schema

processContents=strict + xsi:type

Retrieving namespace as schema?

Sch Comp Cons: Particle Derivation OK (All/Choice/Sequence:Any -- NSRecurseCheckCardinality)

schema for this case

schemas, leveraging their object orientedness??

Seeking a Schema to HTML forms API

Text and elements as childs?

uniqueness with multiple fields

Updated Schema Validation Service

Validating document with schema

what are the new research issues in xml

XSV: Question on treatment of schema imports


Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2003 04:55:11 UTC