Re: Invalid per cvc-complex-type.1.3: undeclared attribute {None}:use


Yes, I see now the error on my way.

Thank you both of you, Edwin and Jeni, for pointing it out to me.

I will correct it at once.

Svend Bent Nielsen

>From: "Edwin Dankert" <>
>Subject: Re: Invalid per cvc-complex-type.1.3: undeclared attribute 
>Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:33:40 -0000
>Hello Jeni,
>Thanks for that.
>I think it's all clear now:
>- Elements/attributes/types in the schema are declared in the
>   targetNamespace or in no namespace if no targetNamespace is defined.
>- References to an element/attribute/type in the schema are resolved
>   using the default namespace declaration or if the 'ref' value has a
>   prefix using the namespace declared for the prefix.

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Received on Monday, 27 October 2003 05:36:05 UTC