www-rdf-interest@w3.org from October 2001 by subject

[WWW2002-ANNOUNCE:2] Second CFP for WWW2002 (fwd)

a new way of thinking about RDF and RDF Schema

Abusing containers (RE: RDF Schema questions)

ANN: Jena 1.2 released with ARP, DAML+OIL, RDQL and persistent store

Announce: Graphical RDF authoring tool for Mac OS X

announce: New Tool for Comparing RDF Graphs (blindfold v0.1.1)

Are there any Semantic Web projects for university calendars?

Are there any Semantic Web projects for university calendars? (fwd)

Bitzi File Metadata RDF Dump

CFP: IEEE Data Mining 2002


Daml enabled agents

DAML query

Datatypes for RDF Schema

Datatypes in RDF (was: RDFCore Update)

extracting statements from XML (again)

more on a new way of thinking about RDF and RDF Schema

Mozilla Site Navigation Toolbar, LINK metadata support

NDDL-2002 CFP (fwd, International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries)

openwine.org offers data dump of wine info in daml+oil

RDF action items

RDF Core WG work on literals

RDF for predicate calculus

rdf for software agents

RDF IG archive search

RDF Schema questions

RDF/XML Containers: Syntax & Semantics

RDFCore Update

Semantic Web + Logic

So let's just give all this up and go fishing?

SWIPT.query: An RDF Query Engine In Python


W3C and the Promotion of Fee-based Standards for the Web

what is the meaning of the RDF model theory?

what's the meaning of entailment in RDF model theory?

X-Values: Typed Data Literals for the Semantic Web and Beyo nd

X-Values: Typed Data Literals for the Semantic Web and Beyond

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 October 2001 17:32:43 UTC