Re: a new way of thinking about RDF and RDF Schema

At 03:52 PM 10/12/01 -0400, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>2/ Data Values and Datatypes
>DV is the union of the value spaces of the XML Schema primitive datatypes
>DT <= U are the QNames that reference XML Schema datatypes
>DTC : DT -> powerset ( DV ), maps XML Schema datatypes to their value spaces
>DTS : DT -> ( L -> DV ),
>         contains the lexical to value maps for XML Schema datatypes
>XTS : L -> powerset ( DV )
>       v in XTS(l)  iff  v = DTS(dt)(l) for some XML Schema datatype dt
>(If you didn't want to bother with datatypes, you could just work with
>data sets where all text nodes are under nodes with string type.)

>3/ Interpretations
>An interpretation I is a four-tuple
>         < IR, IEXT, ICEXT, IS >
>where IR is a non-empty set, called resources
>       IEXT <= powerset ( IR x (IR u DV) )
>       ICEXT : IR -> powerset ( IR u DV )
>       IS : U -> IR
>and IS(rdf:type) in ICEXT(IS(rdf:Property))
>     ICEXT(IS(rdf:Description)) = IR

Did you mean rdf:Resource here?

>     ICEXT(IS(rdf:Property)) <= IR
>     if < x , y > in IEXT, y in ICEXT(IS(rdf:type)), and < y , z > in IEXT
>        then x in ICEXT ( z )

Er, the members of IEXT are sets of pairs, not bare pairs, no?


Graham Klyne

Received on Sunday, 14 October 2001 06:57:56 UTC