Re: a new way of thinking about RDF and RDF Schema

From: Sergey Melnik <>
Subject: Re: a new way of thinking about RDF and RDF Schema
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 14:18:49 -0700


> This is an interesting way to go. Is there a way to introduce ordering
> in some generic fashion say by using reification? As you noticed, there
> are many ways to state ordering, e.g. order of edges by
> subject-predicate, or just by subject, or by object etc. All these ways
> seem valid and useful... For example, I may want to state that objects
> of property dc:creator (authors) are ordered, and conversely, the
> subjects are ordered too (ordered list of books authored by an
> individual).
> Sergey

I don't know how you would use (RDF) reification for this.  (But then I
don't know how to use RDF reification for anything.)

To provide information whether to order or not I would use a new logical
(i.e., not non-logical) attribute, perhaps rdf:unordered.


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2001 17:01:27 UTC