small change to August meeting?
Minutes of QA WG Teleconference March 21st
Reminder: no meeting this Monday, next meeting Apr 4th
QAWG issues re: recent WCAG2.0 recommendations?
Final Minutes QAWG Teleconference March 14 2005
definition of Specficiation
Draft minutes for QA WG Teleconf March 21st 2005
Issue 983: Example of ICS claim
Progresses on action items/issues resolutions
Issue 983: Example of ICS claim
[Issue 983] Example of ICS claim
Agenda: March 21 2005 QA WG teleconf
Meeting in Dublin
[SpecGL] Table Old to New Scheme
Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
- Re: Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
- RE: Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
- Re: Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
- RE: Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
- RE: Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
- RE: Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
QA Glossary update - AI-20050314-03
Definition of feature, interoperable and implementation
- RE: Definition of feature, interoperable and implementation
- Re: Definition of feature, interoperable and implementation
draft minutes QAWG teleconference March 14 2005
july meeting
RE: Draft minutes Boston F2F, 4 Friday 2005 AM - story
June meeting
Issue 1144 regarding SpecGL 2.3
- Re: Issue 1144 regarding SpecGL 2.3
- Re: Issue 1144 regarding SpecGL 2.3
- Re: Issue 1144 regarding SpecGL 2.3
Agenda: March 14 2005 QA WG teleconf
- Re: Agenda: March 14 2005 QA WG teleconf
- Re: Agenda: March 14 2005 QA WG teleconf
- FINAL: Agenda: March 14 2005 QA WG teleconf
[SpecGL] 1044 - Case of RFC2119 terms
[SpecGL] 1049 - Formal vs prose language normativity
Analysis of Bug 1144: Worflow/section 5
Thank You ... and please take the W3C Technical Plenary Day Survey (Modifié par Karl Dubost)
[SpecGL] Toc/Numbering Proposal
[SpecGL] Editorial changes - 8 March 2005
Recent slidesets presented to CDF and VoiceBrowser WG
Editorial modifications of "Specifying conformance" introduction
Positive statements when no DoV
TestFAQ: request for input
Test meta-data, TCDL, etc.
Editorial issue #1059: proposed rewording
Draft compiled minutes of F2F meeting
Test FAQ component created in bugzilla
[NO TELECONF] Agenda: March 07 2005 QA WG teleconf
Draft minutes Boston F2F, 3rd March 2005 AM
Draft minutes Boston F2F, 4 Friday 2005 AM
Draft Minutes for March 3 PM F2F
- Re: Draft Minutes for March 3 PM F2F
- Re: Draft Minutes for March 3 PM F2F
- [Editorial] Closed - Issue 1052