[Editorial] Closed - Issue 1052
[Issue 983] Example of ICS claim
[NO TELECONF] Agenda: March 07 2005 QA WG teleconf
[SpecGL] 1044 - Case of RFC2119 terms
[SpecGL] 1049 - Formal vs prose language normativity
[SpecGL] Editorial changes - 8 March 2005
[SpecGL] Table Old to New Scheme
[SpecGL] Toc/Numbering Proposal
Agenda: March 14 2005 QA WG teleconf
Agenda: March 21 2005 QA WG teleconf
Analysis of Bug 1144: Worflow/section 5
Batch approval of editorial issues (Re: Editorial issue #1059: proposed rewording)
bug #1041 [Re:... Conformance is not a yes/no proposition]
Definition of feature, interoperable and implementation
definition of Specficiation
Definitions of ICS from ETSI
Draft compiled minutes of F2F meeting
Draft minutes Boston F2F, 3rd March 2005 AM
Draft minutes Boston F2F, 4 Friday 2005 AM
Draft minutes Boston F2F, 4 Friday 2005 AM - story
Draft minutes Boston F2F, 4 Friday 2005 PM
Draft Minutes for March 3 PM F2F
Draft minutes for QA WG Teleconf March 21st 2005
draft minutes QAWG teleconference March 14 2005
Editorial issue #1059: proposed rewording
Editorial modifications of "Specifying conformance" introduction
Final Minutes QAWG Teleconference March 14 2005
FINAL: Agenda: March 14 2005 QA WG teleconf
follow-up discussions on Boston F2F, 4 Friday 2005 AM
Issue 1041: ICS Good Practices: 1.2 A, B., C
Issue 1144 regarding SpecGL 2.3
Issue 983: Example of ICS claim
july meeting
June meeting
Meeting in Dublin
Minutes of QA WG Teleconference March 21st
Positive statements when no DoV
Presentation: Multi-spec test suites
Progresses on action items/issues resolutions
QA Glossary update - AI-20050314-03
QA WG F2F Agenda, Boston, Technical Plenary March 3-4, 2005
QAWG issues re: recent WCAG2.0 recommendations?
Recent slidesets presented to CDF and VoiceBrowser WG
Reminder: no meeting this Monday, next meeting Apr 4th
small change to August meeting?
TAG issues -- enumeration and opinions
Test FAQ component created in bugzilla
Test meta-data, TCDL, etc.
TestFAQ: request for input
Thank You ... and please take the W3C Technical Plenary Day Survey (Modifié par Karl Dubost)
Last message date: Monday, 28 March 2005 23:08:15 UTC