www-forms@w3.org from October 2005 by subject

[ANN] formsPlayer is now available

AJAX vs. Xforms

Ann: XForms 1.0 (Second Edition) is now a W3C Proposed Edited Recommendation

Can the Novell plugin do repeats within tables?

Confirmation window with XForms

Decorating XForm textarea

Disabling a button based on validity

Does anyone have a contact address for the novell plugin people

Fyi: DENG 2.0 Roadmap (draft)

Given there is no way of getting an entire element + contents out of X-Forms....

help, hint, alert and message elements content

How can I send messages between XForms and HTML

How to group some records by a specific value

how to reset just a part of an model

HTTP Response Headers

Implementing xsd:choice

Loading & saving documents

Mozilla XForms Preview2

New tutorial linked to XformsAndXhtml Wiki Topic

Populating select1 from a schema

POST with multipart/form-data using libwww

reload select when selection changes in linked select

SOAP faults in HTTP [RE: AJAX vs. Xforms]

SOAPAction HTTP header

Submission errors and @replace="instance" [was RE: AJAX vs. Xforms]

Updating host language attributes

very new to xforms - recommendations

What is the best way to deep copy an element?

Which is better multiple models or multiple instances

xforms-link-error target

XForms: flimage question

xforms:message and subsequent actions

Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2005 23:32:37 UTC