RE: very new to xforms - recommendations


> Regarding formsPlayer, last I tried it every single input control
> had their logo showing beside it (unless you pay for it)...

Wow...that *was* a long time ago. That's all gone, although there is some
branding outside of the form, but even this is set to change soon.

> ... and it only works on IE.

Yep. And when Mozilla XForms is complete that means there will be XForms
processors available for all the major browsers! The point is not to get one
product that runs on all platforms, but to get XForms running on as many
platforms as possible, since that way authors will be able to re-use their

(As it happens we *are* working on other platforms, but given the Mozilla
progress, we're focusing mainly on the mobile space.)



Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2005 13:46:54 UTC