Re: Loading & saving documents

Flinton Adam:

> I would like to create a standalone editor if possible & I'd like to be
> able to have an "open file" & then save/save as functionality.
> i.e. use IE + Novell plugin or possibly mozilla/firefox when it's ready
> (or even OpenOffice possibly) to open an Xforms document & then use it
> to populate it's model by opening another xml file of the requisite
> structure/followng the correct schema & then after editing the XML
> through the Xform UI to do a save/save as.
> Any ideas?

I'm using Chiba to do this (sort of). The current implementation is
client-side only (Apache Tomcat, Chiba, XForms, and XML), and uses the
PUT submit method (with replace=none) to save to a file. The name of the
input/output files can be controlled with a URL parameter.

The biggest question would probably be whether you can use this to serve
XForms from a server and save locally directly. If you cannot, you can
always use the POST method, save the contents on the server, and send it
to the client as a downloadable file when submitting. Anyone here with
an example?

For the schema issue, you could maybe use schema2XForms (also from the
Chiba guys).

HTH :)

Victor Engmark
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice there is." - Yogi Berra

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 08:59:27 UTC