- From: Rafael Benito <rbenito@satec.es>
- Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 15:55:38 +0200
- To: <www-forms@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <E1EMQn8-0003ts-2y@maggie.w3.org>
<http://www.satec.es/plant_correo/img/Logo_sistemas.gif> Hi, since nobody contributed :-( , let me show you what I am working out: <model id="my_test"> <instance id="popup_flag"> <root> <popup_flag> closed </popup_flag> </root> </instance> <instance id="input"> <root> <user_input> </user_input> </root> </instance> <bind id="open_window" nodeset="instance('popup_flag')/popup_flag" relevant="instance('popup_flag')/popup_flag='open'"/> </model> <group id="confirm_window" bind="open_window" appearance="popup_window"> <label>Please, confirm the value entered</label> <trigger> <label>Accept</label> <action ev:event="DOMActivate"> <setvalue ref="instance('popup_flag')/popup_flag" value="closed"/> </action> </trigger> <trigger> <label>Cancel</label> <action ev:event="DOMActivate"> <setvalue ref="instance('input')/user_input" value=""/> <setvalue ref="instance('popup_flag')/popup_flag" value="closed"/> </action> </trigger> </group> <group id="input_test"> <input ref="instance('input')/user_input"> <label>Input to check confirm</label> <setvalue ev:event="xforms-value-changed" ref="instance('popup_flag')/popup_flag" value="open"/> </input> </group> I am assuming that appearance="popup_window" is interpreted by a processor appropriately. The rest consist in making relevent the group when the user fills out the input, and making it irrelevant when any of the triggers is activated. The value entered by the user is kept unchanged if "Accept" is activated and changed to empty when the user activates "Cancel". Is this OK? Kind regards, Rafael Benito Ruíz de Villa e-business Manager Mobile (+34) 617 314 293 rbenito@satec.es http://www.datamovil.info MADRID <http://www.satec.es> Avda. Europa, 34 A 28023 Aravaca Telf.: (+34) 91 708 90 00 / 91 211 03 00 Fax: (+34) 91 708 90 90 / 91 211 03 90
- image/gif attachment: Logo_sistemas.gif
- image/gif attachment: logosatecwww2.gif
Received on Monday, 3 October 2005 13:55:51 UTC