Re: Disabling a button based on validity


This is what we do...

We have an errors instance:

<xf:instance id="iErrors">
      <errors xmlns="">
                  <field id="USERNAME">0</field>
                  <field id="FIRST_NAME">0</field>
                  <field id="LAST_NAME">0</field>
                  <field id="EMAIL_ADDRESS">0</field>
                  <field id="PASSWORD">0</field>

<xf:bind nodeset="/errors/total" calculate="sum(../fields/field)"/>
<xf:bind id="bndSave" nodeset="/errors/save" relevant="../total = 0" />
<xf:bind id="bndNoSave" nodeset="/errors/nosave" relevant="../total &gt; 0"

that records the state of each field we need to validate.

Each of those controls have event handlers for xforms-valid and
xforms-invalid to set the error count to 0 or 1 respectively.

<xf:input ref="USERNAME" class="SmallTextField" id="f001">
      <xf:alert>Please supply a unique username</xf:alert>
      <xf:setvalue model="mErrors"
ref="instance('iErrors')/fields/field[@id = 'USERNAME']" value="1"
      <xf:setvalue model="mErrors"
ref="instance('iErrors')/fields/field[@id = 'USERNAME']" value="0"

Finally we have two trigger elements bound to bndSave and bndNoSave. Our
styling hides non-relevant controls so only one of these buttons is visible
at any point in time. The bndNoSave version has the HTML attribute
disabled="disabled" on it so that the button truly looks disabled.

Now formsPlayer has just introduced an XPath extension function
fpext:valid(node-set) [1] that returns true or false of whether a node is
valid or not, and this could be used in calculations instead of the event
pattern above.



             Erik Bruchez                                                  
             >                                                          To 
             Sent by:                            
             www-forms-request                                          cc 
                                       Disabling a button based on         
             10/25/2005 08:32          validity                            


I am having trouble figuring out the solution to an extremely basic UI
requirement: disabling a submit button, implemented either with
xforms:submit or xforms:trigger, until certain fields have been filled
out correctly by the user.

Of course, you could leave the button always enabled. Upon XForms
submission, if the submitted instance is not valid or has missing
required fields, submission will fail, throw an xforms-submit-error,
and you can notify the user of the failure. But from a usability
perspective, this is usually a bad solution.

So these are my questions:

1. How do people address this UI requirement today with XForms? Is
    there a way of doing this purely based on the XForms 1.0
    specification? If not, are there workarounds? For example, we have
    played with counting xforms-valid and xforms-invalid events,
    clearly a quite heavy solution.

2. If the answer to #1 above is "no" or "here is a way, but it's
    really a dirty hack":

    2.1. Is the WG working on addressing this? (I should talk with
         Sebastian but it doesn't hurt to ask this publicly.)

    2.2. Are there extensions suggested or implemented by existing
         XForms engines that address this?



Received on Tuesday, 25 October 2005 16:34:24 UTC