Re: SOAP faults in HTTP [RE: AJAX vs. Xforms]

On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 00:58 +0100, Mark Birbeck wrote:
> > The client has made the error in trying to add a customer that already
> > exists. The server is not erring in not letting you add the customer; it
> > is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. Therefore 4xx is correct.
> I said you can argue it both ways, and you think you can only argue it one
> way. I think the fact that you don't think it's ambiguous appears to be
> because you are seeing HTTP status codes as having their HTTP meaning, when
> in SOAP they don't.
> The HTTP error codes are being used to signal SOAP faults, not HTTP faults.
> So 500 does *not* mean "Internal Server Error" in any meaningful sense.

Aha. I see where my mistake was now. Forget I ever spoke :)

Is this not one of the inherent problems with SOAP though -- that it
meddles with the HTTP layer when really it should be contained within a
layer above HTTP?

Jasper Bryant-Greene
General Manager
Album Limited

p: 0800 4 ALBUM (0800 425 286) or +64 21 232 3303
a: PO Box 579, Christchurch 8015, New Zealand

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2005 00:26:00 UTC