www-dom@w3.org from April to June 1998 by subject

19980416 errata and methods with exceptions

[Fwd: Core spec: Element and Node]

[Fwd: New Core draft]

[Fwd: TreeIterator]

[Spam?] I can't link from

[www-dom] <none>

[www-dom] deprecate tree traversal? (Was: <none>)

A few questions

Accessing attributes specified in DTD!!!

Alternative to the Live NodeIterator


another question: NodeIterator in DOM


Behavior of NodeIterator.toNext()


Comments, DOM 16-April-98 draft

Core spec: Element and Node

Core specification

core::Node and inheritance

core::NodeIterator and core::TreeIterator

critique of WD-DOM-19980416

Document Object...what's the difference compared to...


DOM Attributes (was Re: Performance efficient alternative to AttributeList)

DOM Core API Spec..

DOM Test Suite?

DOM-based editor?

Doubt in DOM Spec

Entity Declarations

Error on Element Declaration

Explaining DOM oddities

Fwd: Re: DOM Confusion

FYI: IBM XML for Java has been updated.

Hello and NodeIterator Revisited



HTML Specification

IBM XML for Java

Is a DocumentType a Node?

Iterators and removing

iterators, etc. + Attribute question

Mail List

mozilla and the W3 DOM

Named access to elements

New Core draft

Node type of DocumentFragment

NodeIterator interface in TreeIterator

NodeIterators & Java implementation

NodeList in HTML DOM

Nodes as NodeLists?


Object ownership?

Performance efficient alternative to AttributeList continued..

Performance efficient alternative to AttributeList....

PIs in the prolog

Proposals (was Re: The "splice" call)

Proposed changes to NodeIterator interface semantics

question: Is "DOM" a registered trademark?

question: NodeIterator in DOM

SAXDOM Updated

Some more suggestions and a DOM OM

Splice et. Containing Document

test cases for xml parser & dom

The "splice" call

The DOM HTML model




What is an HTMLCommentElement?

where do I locate org.xml.dom.* ?

Who manages this list?

Why AttributeList?

Why is the value of an Attribute a Node?

XML factory and node types?

XML Specification

XML-DOM / found it ; HTML-DOM / where?

xxxML on top of, embedded in XML

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 1998 12:37:30 UTC