Re: Hello and NodeIterator Revisited

>If having the latest information is critical, Events should be used.
>Iteration should be left alone for simple relative traversal over a
>'snapshot'.  A method that 'possibly' take a long time and return
>bogus value is 'definitely' useless in my book.

Very good argument. Specifying that iterators are "live" without specifying
any synchronization methods means that implementations will undoubtedly
force additional requirements on clients.

>Finding no resonance to my concerns, I withdraw my comment regarding

I believe the lack of resonance is based on the immaturity of
implementations. When we start stress-testing the processors out there, I
think we'll find that memory management is necessary.

>There is nothing in the spec that requires an Attribute to be a Node as
>well.  Having to use NodeIterator for Attributes now requires Attribute to
>be a Node.

Since an attribute's value can hold text and can have entity content, it
does make sense to keep it as a Node.

Jeff Mackay
Vtopia, Inc.

Received on Friday, 1 May 1998 07:22:04 UTC