Performance efficient alternative to AttributeList....


First of all, I'm not quite sure wheter the general opinion
is to have everything in DOM implemented as Nodes/NodeIterators
or if attributes should be a special case, with an

I would like to see a special-case implementation for
attributes, as opposed to using Nodes for attributes.


Here I present an alternative to AttributeList,
designed with performance efficient implementation
and usage in mind:


1) Each document should have an AttributeIndex object.
2) This object has a list of AttributeDefinitions.
3) The document can create AttributeData objects,
   which are used thoughout the document instead
   of the old AttributeLists.

Something like this:

interface AttributeDefinition //Abstract superclass for defining the
  readonly attribute wstring name;
  readonly attribute wstring type;// Returns the name of the subclass of
                                  // this instance.
                                 // (This may not be necessary with

  // Conversion functions for reading and writing the attribute value as
known types
  // Will raise an exception if the desired conversion is not possible
  attribute wstring asString;
  attribute long asLong;
  attribute datetime asDateTime;// This type is just an example...
  attribute rgbColor asRGBColor;// Another example
  attribute cmykColor asCMYKColor;// Still example...
  //Add more conversion functions here

interface StringAttrDef : AttributeDefinition
{ // Implements an attribute stored as a string
  // If say, get_asLong is called, then the string is converted
  // to "long" if it has a valid format. Otherwise an exception is

interface longAttrDef : AttributeDefinition
{} // Implements an attribute stored as a long.

interface datetimeAttrDef : AttributeDefinition
{} // Implements an attribute stored as some datetime type.

interface colorAttrDef : AttributeDefinition
{} // Implements an attribute stored as color

interface AttributeIndex
  unsigned long attributeDefs();// Count AttributeDefinitons
  AttributeDefinition attributeDefAtIndex(in unsigned long index);
  AttributeDefinition attributeDefByName(in wstring name);

  AttributeDefinition addAttributeDef(in wstring name, in wstring type);
    // Adds a subclass of AttributeDefinition to the list, and returns
    // If an AttributeDefinition with the same name exists,
    // the existing one is returned instead. If the existing
    // one have a different type, an exception is raised.

  void removeAttributeDefAtIndex(in unsigned long index);
  void removeAttributeDefWithName(in wstring name);

interface AttributeData
  void activate();// You call this to operate on the
                  // attribute data stored in this object.

The above architecture have one limitation though:

Any attributes in the document (AttributeData) with a
given name (say, FGColor), has to be of the same
AttributeDefinition type. But isn't this what is intended?

Here is an example using this architecture:

AttributeIndex index = document.getAttrIndex();

// You want to create an FGColor attribute:

  // First make sure the FGColor type exists in the index:
AttributeDefinition fgColor = index.addAttributeDef("FGColor",

  // Now create the data object to store the attribute:
AttributeData data1 = document.createAttrData();

  // Now store the color:

// You want to store another FGColor some other place in the document:

AttributeData data2 = document.createAttrData();

// You also want to store BGColor in data2

AttributeDefinition bgColor = index.addAttributeDef("BGColor",

data2.activate(); // Just to make sure... ;)

// You want to read data1's FGColor as a string:

wstring fgColStr = data1.get_asString();
  // fgColStr might be: "R:FF,G:FF,B:FF", if that is the RGB-string

If you want to know why I think this architecture is performance
efficient compared to something like AttributeList
(or Node/NodeIterator), I can post my implementation
ideas too...


If any of you people knows Delpi, this architecture is
similar to TTable and TField operating on a database-table
with records, where:

TTable is similar to AttributeIndex,
TField is similar to AttributeDefinition
each database record is similar to AttributeData.

You just navigate the "database table" with attrData.activate();
instead of table.First();, table.Next(), table.EOF() etc.

Any comments appreciated.

ANOQ of the Sun / Johnny Andersen

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Received on Tuesday, 2 June 1998 17:10:33 UTC