Re: [www-dom] <none>

At 03:31 AM 6/1/98 -0400, Claude Zervas wrote:
>Would there be any chance that the node tree traversal
>methods in the Node interface be deprecated and sent
>to some sort of work camp for bunk code patterns?

This "bunk code pattern" is well-beloved by untold generations of SGML
weenies ;~) who would prefer to deprecate the idea of used indexed arrays
to represent document structures.   

It's a dilemma for us -- there's no single acceptable paradigm for document
structuring and navagation that we've been able to find, and we don't want
to bloat the spec by supporting everything, and (while I happen to agree
with you about the iterator design pattern) iterators are not supported in
any of the legacy APIs from which we're trying to build.

Mike Champion

Received on Monday, 1 June 1998 09:35:36 UTC