Re: Entity Declarations

At 12:32 AM 4/29/98 -0400, Jeff wrote:
>Another weak point in the spec is with entities.  The current model allows
>an entity declaration to have a replacement string or a replacement
>substring.  Period. What about the public/system identifiers (which may be
>necessary for implementations to perform "lazy" evaluations of an external
>entity), the notation, etc. 

You're right; the EntityDeclaration object needs the public and system
identifiers. It shall be proposed to the WG ...

It may also make sense to include an enum that
>provides information about the type of entity: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, PARSED,

As I understand it, internal entities are expanded by an XML processor, so
the DOM never sees them. You're right about needing a Parsed/Unparsed
attribute; this was apparently discussed at last week's WG meeting.  

Mike Champion

Received on Wednesday, 29 April 1998 09:50:15 UTC