Re: Iterators and removing

This is a good point.

The only consistant way I can think of is to have all of the child modifier
methods (insert, remove, replace) automaticaly change the cursor on the
NodeIterator to the new Node (for insert and replace), or the Node next to
the one removed (for remove) - no matter if the NodeIterator was pointing at
the modified Node or not.  If the Node removed was already the last node in
the list, it simply points at the last node in the list (ie the previous

One problem with this is that there's no easy way to tell if the node remove
was the last one with the current spec.  Perhaps removeChild could return
the Node currently pointed to, instead of the old node.  I can't see any
practical reason that the value returned needs to be the Node passed.

For example, with this as the defined behaviour, the following code would
remove all comments from the current node (in Java):

    NodeIterator ni = node.getChildNodes();
    Node current = ni.toFirst();
    while (current != null)
        if (current.getType() == Node.COMMENT)
            current = node.removeChild(current);
            current = nl.toNext();

Easy.  The spec for insertChild and replaceChild would need something like
the following added:

"All NodeIterators retrieved using getChildNodes() for this Node will be
pointing to newNode if successful."

and on removeChild:

"All NodeIterators retrieved using getChildNodes() for this Node will be
pointing to the next child Node, or the previous Node if oldNode was the
last Node."

Also, the return value of removeChild would have to be changed to:

"The next child Node, or null if oldNode was the last Node."

Of course, the previous example would work with the current spec if the
following was done:

        if (current.getType() == Node.COMMENT)
            Node temp = current;
            current = nl.toNext();
            // Add the following to ensure the list's pointing at the right
            if (current != null)
        else // etc, etc...

Not quite as neat, but it should still do the same thing.  Of course, this
may not be possible in some situations (I can't think of any off hand)...

Anyway, food for thought.


>I've got a question on the behaviour of NodeIterators.  What is supposed to
>happen if the current node of an iterator is removed from its parent?
>The method toNext() of NodeIterator is defined as follows:
>   This method alters the internal state of the iterator such that the node
>   references is the next in the sequence the iterator is presenting
>   to the current position.
>But now the node is no longer part of the sequence represented by the
>This case actually occurs if you want to conditionally remove the children
>some node.
>It gets even more confusing if you reinsert the node at a different
position as
>a child of the same parent: Does the Iterator move along with its node?  Or
>what if you insert it as a child of an entirely different parent?
>Enlightment appreciated,
> Axel
>+ Axel Rasmus   "A man that cannot walk has to fly"     Wienberg +

Received on Friday, 3 April 1998 06:51:24 UTC