Re: Nodes as NodeLists?

At 08:29 PM 4/28/98 -0400, Jeff wrote:
>>A node can have children, so the "collections" such as the external and
>>internal subsets are stored as the set of children of the Node off of
>But in reality, the "container" nodes aren't really nodes.  Which means that
>a node in the DOM doesn't always translate into a "node" in the document.
>Wouldn't it make more sense just to use a node iterator (or a NodeList, or
>for entity, attribute, and notation definitions a NamedNodeList) instead

A NodeIterator would make sense here ... I'll bring this up in the WG.

>>>How can an ElementDefinition belong to both the external subset and the
>>>elementDefinitions node?
>>I don't follow ... What are you referring to in the DOM spec that is
>The spec isn't very clear (or I'm just being dense).  A DocumentType can
>have an internal and external subset which would contain all the
>declarations found in the corresponding physical subset. But wouldn't each
>ElementDefinition also be found as children of the node returned by

I'll revisit the wording here and make sure it is clearer and matches the
WG's sense of how this should work.

>Also, there are no methods to retrieve an element definition by name.  To do
>that, I'd have to iterate through the children each time I needed an element

This also makes sense to me ... I'll bring it up.

Thanks for the suggestions,

Mike Champion

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 1998 22:51:25 UTC