'HTML 5' and some poem markup?
<!-- should be equivalent to //
[closed] Re: Request to publish "Enabling Read Access for Web Resources" as W3C WD
[N3] witch test case
[wbs] response to 'Grant I: Grant of License for Contributed Test Cases Published as Part of a W3C Recommendation'
Advogato Cert Schema
agenda for 25 october 2007 HTML WG telecon?
artistic expression was: What now ALT?
Boston/Cambridge travel notes
Correspondence across multiple lists
DHTML StyleGuide Minutes 2007-10-05
DOAP in Advoato?
Example of a visual poem - La colombe poignardée et le jet d'eau
Feature Request: Cert-Level Field in FOAF?
Fieldsets and Legends (offlist)
Full Potential: Who's counting?
HTML 5 defaults to Windows-1252, where charmod requires UTF-8/UTF-16
HTML 5 defaults to Windows-1252, where charmod requiresUTF-8/UTF-16
HTML parsing model (was: Re: Some thoughts (on questions) on RDFa in HTML5)
HTML tidy service (and non-latin/utf-8 pages)
HTML WG issue tracking/triage
LEIRIs and square brackets
Meeting with SVG, XHTML, WAI people to move forward on ARIA as a cross cutting technology
NEW ISSUE: NO default charset
Not everything is a monitor (advogato)
Note to self: DCCI metadaa - cmapre with RDF .
Olpc and python follow your nose
Publishing the HTML 5 draft
RDF Templating Demo
Request to publish "Enabling Read Access for Web Resources" as W3C WD
Scheduling publication of another access-control draft?
summary of 30 Aug changes to IKL guide?
Tidy service, Wikipedia : 403 Forbidden
URI Templates - optional variables? (explain.cgi)
Vendor Support for XHTML2 [was Re: role cardinality [was: Re: ARIA Proposal ]]
W3C and its staff
What now ALT?
WS-CDL Exit Report
XML 1.0 and XML 1.1
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2007 10:12:17 UTC