HTML WG issue tracking/triage

Hi James, Julian, and Gregory,

Thanks for offering to help with issue tracking in the HTML WG.
Tracker is now set up for our group:

You three have write access, with the understanding that you'll
be in syncrhonous (phone/IRC) contact with the chairs once a week or so,
either by attending a WG teleconference or finding us in #html-wg
or something.

We'll perhaps add a few other people to this task force over time.
(that page probably requires member access; if you can't read
it, don't worry about it; it's just a list of three of you
plus the 2 co-chairs)

Gregory, any news from Ben Millard?

You three are welcome to start porting issues over from the
various sources we discussed:
the wiki issues list
and my isues list/agenda
and Ian Hickson's IMAP folders
and WG email

Hmm... I think the tool will announce issue creation
to public-html, so perhaps I should send a heads-up there
to let people know what we're up to.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 29 October 2007 14:22:15 UTC